Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Self Esteem

This is a topic that is a fundamental part of the minimalist lifestyle. Without having a healthy self esteem, one will never be able to adopt the minimalist way of life. Instead, he or she will be sucked into the culture of consumerism shortly after entering it. Self esteem is the defense against Madison Avenue.

So why do I make this proclamation? It is simple. We are conditioned to believe that we are not enough. Advertisers taught us for years that we need to have ______________ to make us complete. Want to be cool, smoke a certain brand of cigarettes. If you want to have the love of your significant other, get her a ____________________ car for Xmas. Regardless of the product, we are ingrained with the idea that an object will make us complete. The devastating part of that concept is that one needs to acquiesce that he or she is broken in the first place. In other word, you are not enough.

Here is a statement that needs to be implanted in your mind and repeated over and over.


Regardless of your lot in life, you are enough exactly how you are. There is no need for you to 'buy' anything. Expenditures of this nature do not complete you and end up costing you freedom. Debt is a common problem within our society; much of it tied to the low esteem that people have.

Minimalism is about taking hold of freedom. No longer is one at the mercy of the advertisers and the large corporations. Instead, minimalist living entitles one to choose what is important while lining up purchases accordingly. This begins with the minimalist mindset. Part of that is knowing you are worthy exactly as you are.

Western culture is wrought with slavery. People are pushed into taking on debt to compensate for some perceived shortcoming. This begins the vicious cycle of 'retail therapy'. We buy into the idea that buying something will make us feel better. Unfortunately, like a drug, this is only a temporary fix. After a short while, the 'hole' returns. Nothing was accomplished by the expenditure.

A quick story in summation: I remember a number of years ago a got a new car. It was a 'intelligent' purchase in that I got a substantial discount by getting the previous years model. (It was March so the dealership was ready to unload since the new models came out the previous September). I financed the purchase since I did have the cash. Thus, I had my new car.

Now, this is where the story gets interesting. Can you guess what I had two months later? I no longer had a new car. Instead, I had 58 more car payments left. My new vehicle turned into a debt that hung around my neck for the next 5 years.

Fortunately, I am happy to report that the April will mark the 60 month since I made the last payment. Today, my esteem doesn't need the stroking that most solve by assuming a long term obligation. I would rather drive a 10 year old car and be free of the monthly debt payment. This is freedom.

Minimalist Pointer #1

Here is something that I discovered. As I was sorting through all my 'stuff', I compiled a great deal that was going to Goodwill. As the items were piling up in my living room, I realized that the same energy sapping feeling was coming over me. Therefore, I decided to load up the car and make a couple of trips immediately to the thrift shop and donate the items.

What a difference. So, here is pointer #1:

If you decide to give it away, get it rid of it within 24 hours.

Not only will this give you a feeling that you are making headway, it also eliminates the temptation to pull things off the pile.

Monday, November 29, 2010

The Minimalist Mindset

Over the past week or so, I really adopted the minimalist mindset. Yesterday, was a major decluttering day at my house. There is still a long way to go but progress is being made. Now, I am adopting the outlook of what can I get rid of. Once I came to the conclusion of what really is going in with consumerism, I quickly realized how I need to alter my life. The mind is the first place this starts.

What does the minimalist mindset do for me and what does it have to do with freedom? In my opinion, they match up so well for the simple fact that possessions can become jailers. So many people are owned by their 'stuff'. This extends to every area of their life. People are shaken when their things are lost or destroyed. The importance of things is elevated to an unhealthy level.

You would think I know this lesson well. In 1998, I had a house (I was renting) destroyed by a hurricane; 80% of my possessions were lost. The ironic thing is that within a couple of years I all that stuff back and then some. In truth, the items that were destroyed were really inconsequential. The bigger picture is what needs to be looked at.

Freedom means being able to live life as I see fit. It also means having the ability to go wherever I want whenever I want. Other might hold a different definition but this is what works for me. That being said, I assert that being bogged down with all kinds of physical items precludes me from doing this. I cannot attain the level of freedom I desire when I am dragged down. Also, when I think of the financial ramifications of my decisions upon my freedom, I understand that a change is in order.

Consumerism is a habit of the mind. We, as a society, continually think we need more. This is untrue. I am rapidly learning that minimalism is also a conditioning of the mind. I am training myself to think of ways I can get by on less. Implementing this habit will immune me from the power of Madison Avenue and the media. Instead of them dictating what I need, that power reverts back to me. The minimalist mindset is breaking me free from the hold of large corporations.

'Stuff' is just a symbol of all that is going on. It isn't the stuff that I need to get rid of but, rather, all that is tied to it. To start, I have the emotional connection to inanimate objects. I feel this is unhealthy. Ridding myself of the item negates the emotional attachment. Also, I am freed from the burden of housing, cleaning, and taking care of it. The maintenance of our stuff is time consuming and expensive. It is another burden that I am unloading.

I am convinced that the minimalist mindset is the piece that was missing from my life. For years, I was so close to putting it together but I just seemed to fall a bit short. I never could figure it out. Now I can see clearly how it all ties in together. Over the next few months I am going to detail how interconnected it all is and how this can help everyone. When I say that my goal is a major movement towards freedom, I mean it. People inherently want to be free. This is a desire that society suppresses for its own benefit. The minimalist mindset is one area where you will start to gain some of that freedom back.

Success is just around the corner.

Sunday, November 28, 2010


This is a major decluttering phase for me. I was always one who prided myself on keeping things to a minimum. Well, I now realize how wrong I was. Today, two trunk loads of stuff went to Goodwill. Also, there were a number of grocery bags full that went to the trash. The garbage cans are presently overflowing. Thankfully, tomorrow is trash day so I can start all over again.

It is an exciting process. This is the phase that is easy. Much of my day was spent walking back and forth grabbing items along the way. There is so much that can be discarded without much effort or thought. One would think it hard but it really is not. The mindset is important though. The tendency is to fall into the old behavior to hold onto things. However, it was fleeting at this time. Of course, I stated many times this is only round 1. There will be more to clear out.

A couple of things that I learned through this process. Once you decide to rid yourself of one thing, all the accessories can go with it. It is amazing how much we have to purchase to support a decision.

Some of the examples that we encountered today:

-The decision to not hang anything else on the walls meant that all the picture hangers and wall mounting studs could be tossed.

-By getting rid of electronics I suddenly didnt need nearly as many power strips nor extension cords.

-A large number of hangers were taken to Goodwill since my clothing was cut in half.

The next phase will be a bit more difficult. However, I realize now what needs to be done. I cannot stress enough the importance of taking inventory of things. The best way to approach this is to take everything out of the closet or drawer and count it. Then, decide what the needed number is. For example, I did this with the coffee mugs. After pulling them out, I found out we had 10. This is an extraordinary amount for two people. I decided to reduce to 4 (for the moment since 2 will be the end number). That meant 6 could go. I did the same thing with my pants, shorts, and dress shirts.

My mindset is to keep focusing on how minimal can I get with the things that I have. Do I really need all that I am hanging onto? The answer is no. If I had to leave tomorrow, how difficult would it be? At present, extremely. I realize that I still am holding onto way too much stuff. The next couple of weeks will equate to more progress. I know how important it is for me to minimize in my life. Freedom is tied to it.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Why Become A Minimalist?

My personal answer is so that I do not end up in the place where my parents are right now. Both of them are at an age where retirement becomes an option. Sadly, even though they were always high income earners, they do not have enough resources to retire comfortably. The truth is that to do so at this time would require a drastic decrease in their standard of living. It is a shame considering all those years of high productivity.

The people are no different then the majority of society (at least western society). We live in a culture which promotes consumerism. Every 10 minutes we see ads on television telling us that we need to spend money on ABC product. People buy into this. The mainstream knows that it can influence behavior. Mercedes, Tiffany, and Rolex sell the idea of a dream life. Sadly, for most, the only thing that comes with their products is debt.

It is a fact that we, as a nation, consume way too much of everything. Americans are by far the worst but the Europeans and Japanese are gaining quickly. The new mantra is spend to success. Even the President of the United States stated that "we will spend our way our of this recession". That mindset goes against every common sense financial concept. Unfortunately, many of the American public is also trying to do the same thing.

Getting by on less is a fundamental concept that is going to salvage this country. The truth is that most people make more than enough money to live on. Overall, it is not a problem with the revenue generated but, rather, the money spent. As we can see with my parents, they made a ton of money while retaining very little.

Having a minimalist mindset to me means moving my life in the direction of total freedom. I do not need to be a slave to the banks, auto finance company, or big box retailers. Nor are my values and beliefs implemented by Madison Avenue. I am free to live as I see fit. Part of this process is taking control of my spending and reducing it down to the barest minimum. Many will think this is being cheap. I look at it as being smart.

Back in January, I was able to 'cut the cord' to my television set. Cable tv went out the window in my house. The monthly savings is $60 a month. This equates to a $720 yearly savings or over $3500 in the course of 5 years. Many will think this a small number but, before taxes, one would need to earn almost $6000 to bring home the amount needed to pay the cable bill. Are you that entertained by what you see on television? I decided I was not.

Freedom is something that most talk about but few have. We are slaves to all the stuff we have in life. Those who find ways to cut back before necessity sets in are able to realize the freedom associated with having this mindset. While everyone else is worried, a minimalist knows he or she will excel no matter what happens. When one needs very little, that individual is immune to the 'slavery' concept that society promotes. Instead, one is able to adapt without tremendous effort to whatever comes along. This is the entire concept that attracted me to this way of life.

My new found outlook is for me to own and run my life as opposed to having that done by the things in it.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Multitasking Myth

A major component of the minimalist idea is to enjoy more of the present moments. Sadly, too much of our time is spent 'distracted'. This is something that we observe in all facets of life. Technology has only served to increase this trait. Now we are texting, talking, checking our email while attempting to carry on conversations. The truth is that little time is truly spent in the present moment.

One of the ideas I worked on today is to be in the present moment by focus only on a single activity at one time. I can tell you how difficult it is to do in reality. My life, like most other people, is filled with all the electronic devices which can ruin my present moments. Overall, I know I suffer a lack of productivity and connection because of this.

That leads me to the 'multitasking myth'. For years, I heard about those who professed to be 'experts' at multitasking. This always struck me as odd since logic led me to another conclusion. The truth is that it is impossible for the mind to focus on two things at one time. This is not my conclusion but that of the scientific community. That being said, I find it hard to believe that one can be more productive when trying to do two things at one time.

Instead of following the masses into this mindless myth, I am going to concentrate all my focus upon the activity which is right in front of me at the present moment. This is a key part and is in keeping with the minimalist mindset. What is simpler than the idea of concentrating on doing one thing at a time?

One aspect to understand is the concept of momentum. Physics tells us that it takes less energy to keep something in motion once it is going as compared to the energy required to get something moving. We are nothing more than a bundle of energy. Momentum is the force that allows us to press ahead with an activity while expending as little effort as possible. The only way to create this is to start an activity and stick with it until completion.

Compare this idea to the continual start and stop required when trying to do multiple things simultaneously. Since we know that it is impossible for the brain to process the two ideas at one time, we then can conclude that it must go back and forth between the different activities. Can you see how we have a start and stop situation. Each time we revert back, we need to determine where we left off to decide what the next move is. This is all eliminated if we simply focus on doing the first activity to completion.

Some might take exception to the ideas I expressed here. That is fine. However, for me, since I want to live a life of total freedom, I am not going to be bound by the misconceptions of society. I am now understanding in great detail how we are all sold a 'bundle of lies' by the cultures we live in. The truth is skewed by people with agendas. Everywhere we turn, there is someone promoting some kind of dogma which we take as gospel. The sad fact is we rarely question what is happening. Fortunately, I started asking and I didnt like the answers I received.

Today, I suggest you follow in my footsteps by casting off the 'multitasking myth'. Focus all your efforts on the one activity that is in front of you. If you need some immediate assistance in getting started, here is a wonderful article by Joshua Becker with 6 suggestions to help you get into present moment living. I will keep you updated on my progress.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving

Today is the day to give thanks in the United States. I commented earlier in the week to something that I found it intriguing that we have Black Friday the day after we assemble to give thanks for all the blessings in our lives. Consumerism penetrated all aspects of our lives. Holidays lost the original intent and, thus, are simply another reason to hold a 'storewide' sale.

I am so thankful that I am at this point in my life. The next few weeks will be interesting. I wrote yesterday that the batch going Goodwill is expanding. I talked with Kitten today and she added another couple bags full of clothes. We both are adopting this life. It is wonderful to be with someone who gets it also. She wants the freedom that I described to her. Together, along with anyone else we implement, we will get there.

Earlier, I read a blog which really struck a cord with me. In it, Everett Bogue wrote that he met a friend of his and discussed this lifestyle. Through their conversation, the secret was revealed which was shared in the post. Fortunately, I am going to pass it along as freely as it was given to be. The secret is: You need to lead a lifestyle that you want people to live. In others words, as was states, lead a really cool life and blog about it.

That really hit home with me. This is what I was always seeking. Ever since I can remember, I wanted to lead a cool life yet simply did not know how. Now, I am really starting to understand. Freedom is the most important things in my life. The minimalist mindset is only the start. This is an outlook that I feel certain will lead to all my goals. It is the key that I sought for many years.

So, on this Thanksgiving Day , my life is leading in a different direction. I have established a drop dead date to exit my present prison and step into total freedom. The clock is counting. It is exciting while also instilling some fear. But overall, I know I will succeed.

Happy Turkey Day everyone.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

My Starting Point: Being a Minimalist

I decided that my starting point is to become a minimalist. This is where one consciously decides to live on as little as possible to break free from the albatross of consumerism. Even though I always have played things pretty tight in terms of stuff, I am only now realizing those much crap I accumulated. Now is the time to begin a radical transformation. Clearing things out is where I choose the process.

Many have the goal of getting down to under 100 items that they feel are necessities to live. Here is an article by one who got down to 57 (and he listed what they are). As I walked around my house tonight, I realize that I must have at least 5,000 items. Alas, it appears I have my work cut out for me.

My entire focus about living a life of freedom. I am one of those who now realizes that working in corporate America is not all it is cut out to be. At present, I am waffling in a job that I detest. The sad part is that when I apply myself I am fairly successful. Well, today I made the decision that my drop dead date there is 8/22/2012. I know that sounds like a long time but it will allow me to establish the things I want while eliminating a major monthly expense (child support). Hopefully, I can speed up the process.

My journey started a while back with me trying to figure out what is most important to me. After a great deal of soul searching, I realized that FREEDOM is the number one priority in my life. Over the last few years, I wrote a numbers of books about the BDSM lifestyle. This is a choice I made some years ago which was a break from society. Like all things in life, it might not be for everybody but it is for me. Now, I am taking a step to the next level.

The last few weeks started my research into the minimalist lifestyle. It is one that was a real eye-opener for me. When I started to understand the concept, I felt something within me that rang true. How can I ever be free while I am under obligation with my time to pay for all the 'stuff' in my life? The answer is that I cannot. So, while I still holds out the pursuit of financial abundance, I interpret my starting point as subtracting rather than addition. Thus, I am going whole-heartedly into the land of the minimalist. The next few weeks will chronicle this aspect of my journey.

My blog posts are going to be a mixture of the actions I am taking along with suggestions or conclusions that I draw. Being a writer and blogger in another genre, my background in personal development and alternative lifestyles will aid in expressing the important ideas of my quest. My goal is to become the 'test patient' for what I hope is a much larger movement. Freedom is something that everyone should be after and I am stepping up as a Freedom Fighter for the sake of all. The opportunity is out there. I hope to develop a blueprint so that everyone can follow. It only takes a few brave people to radically alter the conceptualization of the masses. Perhaps this is the beginning of something that dramatic.

I look forward to interacting with you all in the future.

My Awakening

I suddenly woke up one day and realized that I am a slave. This condition is something that is commonplace in western society. My awakening came about because of a misery I was suffering. I was a good student in learning what my culture promoted as the ‘path to happiness’. Sadly, I found out it was a grand lie.

My research has led me to determine that FREEDOM is what I desire the most. To achieve this end, I will have to radically alter everything about the structure of my life. While I have always been one to engage in ‘alternative lifestyles’, my next step is to fully implement strategies moving to another end. FREEDOM is what I crave. Society offers slavery. Now I am embarking on the transformation to completely separate myself from bondage.

This will affect all areas of my life. Bondage takes on many different forms. Over the next few weeks I will undergo an extreme minimization effort to rid myself of many of the items that sap my energy. I will also concentrate on the efforts to develop financial freedom so as to be able to control the direction of where I go. It is time to get excited because I will now be me.

My deadline for this transformation is 8/22/2012. By that time, I intend on having the life that I desire.

100 Things Out The Door

It is amazing how quickly 100 things can be eliminated. Tonight, I went through some movies that were downloaded to DVD. These are films I saw multiples times over the years yet havent watched in the last 12 months. Using the idea of pitch it, give it away, or sell it, I decided to toss them. There were 40-50 items gone in an instant.

I also went through my closet quickly and grabbed about 5 dress shirts that I never wore. They are now on a pile that is sitting by the door ready to go to the thrift shop. In addition, coffee mugs and saucers were placed there. I must say that with the coffee table that was already there, the pile is rather impressive for such a short period of time. With this weekend being the holiday, I am certain the things will not be moved until next week. That is when I anticipate seeing a jump in energy.