Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Detesting The Rich

I had a discussion earlier this evening with a friend of mine. He and I differ in our political views so our banter can get somewhat heated. However, we both like to play (and make money) in the stock market so we cast our differences aside in an effort to share knowledge which will pay off in dollars. Tonight we came across the mindset of attacking the rich.

Many seem to feel that the way to better economic prosperity is to take from the rich. They believe that the way to economic growth is to 'level the playing field'. Without going into a long detailed discussion about the merits of this point of view, I will state that the best way to get along with this idea is to become one of the rich. Instead of detesting them, join their ranks.

Society teaches that we are stagnant in our place in life. Politicians like to talk in terms of class warfare. Terms such as rich, middle class, and poor are thrown out without any reference. The trouble is that nobody explains what this means. For example, we hear about the elimination of the middle class. Okay, if that is true, please define what middle class is. How much money does one need to make to enter it? At the same time, where is the line between this group and rich? Therefore, how can you detest what you cannot identify?

That being said, the concept that is applied is evident. People are stirred up because of jealousy. They feel it unfair and unjust that someone should have such excess. This is where politicians are able to pull the strings of others. Instead of getting riled up at the 'unfairness' of it all, set out to change your life. The truth is that the only life that should matter to you is yours.

For those who live in the United States, there are still huge opportunities to get ahead. The stock market (and other investment vehicles) are tremendous mediums for achieving this end. It is amazing to me how little most people know about this arena. Consider the fact that they will slave away for 40+ hours a week to earn $X per hour. Yet when it comes to the money set aside for investment, they put it in the hands of a financial adviser (read salesman).

Did you realize that earning 20% return is a fairly common occurrence? Of course, you will not hear this from the mainstream media. They will tell you that 96% of the money managers cannot beat the S&P. That is true. Does that mean you cannot? My experience is that anyone can. It is a big advantage to be able to enter and exit a stock (or option) in an instance. Money managers have millions of dollars in their positions. The time it takes to unravel them is weeks. This single fact offers a huge advantage to the small investor.

The point here is not to get into a financial discussion. My premise for writing this is that freedom entails focusing upon the financial aspect of life. Many will spend 40 hours a week to earn peanuts in terms of pay but wont spend 5 minutes learning about investing. Ironically, it is easier to exceed your income in the financial arena than most realize. Trust me when I tell you that making $30,000 a year in the stock market is nothing.

Of course, none of this will ever take place if you detest the rich. Your internal makeup comes through in all that you do. Remember this. It is highly unlikely that you will become what you despise. Therefore, get rid of the notion that the rich are deplorable slugs designed to be hated. If you want to get back at them, become one of them and walk in their circles. Then you can tell them personally what rotten sons-of-bitches you think they are. Short of that, you are falling victim to the whims of the political elite. The class warfare game has been played for centuries. Remove yourself from this battle.


Monday, February 21, 2011


What do you believe? This is an important question but one that few ever consider. Instead, they just accept what is given to them as if it is law. Sadly, society has a way of misleading people into doing things that make them unhappy.

Blind Faith

Many engage in blind faith. I feel dogma is dogma no matter who is issuing it. Many will swallow all the rules that others put forth without even a thought if it makes sense. The religions of the world have survived based upon this ideal for centuries. Of course, the governments of the world are no different. Blind adherence to any type of dogma is dangerous.

Those who cannot think for themselves are bound to live as slaves. We see people do destructive things all the time in the name of faith. Take the suicide bombers. Here is a group of people who are willing to blow themselves up for a cause which promises eternal happiness. Perhaps they do receive the eternal life they are seeking. However, is it worth end one's life here on a supposition? Obviously not.


The solution to this ailment is to question all that you believe. Why do you think the way that you do? Is it because you consciously chose a particular path or is it because someone taught you this was 'correct'? This process is crucial to breaking the stranglehold that others have upon you.

Beliefs lie at the center of all we do. To not question our beliefs is to engage in a life that is not our own. Under these circumstances we are at the folly of others. As shown, society has a way of injecting into us what we should believe. Those who stray from the norm are ostracized in ways designed to bring them back in line. This conditioning starts as a child and lasts throughout our entire lives. The key is to stop it as soon as you are aware of what is occurring. Now is the time for you.

Freedom is something that everyone should value. Sadly, few do. Become one of the elite in terms of taking over your own life. Living according to the edicts of others is slavery. Most everyone we encounter is a slave. This is the opportunity for you. Being different is a way to break free from the norm. All cultures love those who excel. Following the traditional dogma will result in mediocrity. Jump start your life by questioning all that is going on.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

They Are Fighting 'Round The World

Have you noticed what is going on in foreign lands the last few weeks? If you have not, you missed an opportunity to see people fighting for the very thing that most of us take for granted. Freedom is a precious commodity that too many throw away without nary a thought. Look at the lengths others are willing to go when faced with oppression. This ought to tell us something.

Egypt kicked off the festivities with the populous rebelling against an oppressive dictator. This event caused a chain reaction throughout the area with other individuals standing up to their oppressive regimes. Ultimately, even though many will lose their lives, the overall effect is that people are screaming for freedom.

Now we see a similar situation arising in China. While I would surmise the efforts of these individuals will be defeated, their quest is noble. Freedom is something that is inherent within each of us. The Chinese people are no different than Americans in this regard: they want the opportunity to live life as they see fit. Sadly, this option is not readily available in a communist country.

Give It Away

The interesting aspect of all of this is that these individuals are rebelling against having their freedoms taken. I believe it is human nature to fight when oppressed to this degree. However, the situation is entirely different when we opt to give away the freedom. In this instance we see people slowly bled to death by their own choices.

Our Founding Fathers committed treason against the Mother Country. They got together and staged a revolution which made them criminals in the King's eyes. Of course, because of the victory, these same men became the heroes that we honor.

Now, this brings me to the question of the day: do you think George Washington and the other revolutionaries suffered through a winter at Valley Forge so that you could waste away as an ingrate? Do you think they risked their lives so that later generations could whine about how they are 'entitled'? I do not believe this is what was in the minds of those early heroes.

Nevertheless, today we see people throw away their freedoms without a whimper. Take away their flatscreen television and you will hear a howl. Instill an act that tramples on the individual rights of the citizens and not a word is uttered. This is how our culture operates.

It Can Happen Here

The ironic thing is that what is occurring in these foreign lands can happen in this country. I remember watching the news last year when there were uprising in the streets by the unions in Greece because budgetary shortfalls necessitated cutting expenses. This caused upheaval amongst the union workers who were guaranteed lavish paychecks and benefits. Suddenly, their wings were being clipped and they didn't like it.

Of course, over the last week we saw the same thing happen in Wisconsin. The unions are in an uproar because the Governor is trying to close a budget shortfall of epic proportions. People are protesting on the streets in an effort to save what they deem is theirs. This is entitlement mentality at its finest.

If we give our freedom away we will end up as oppressed people. Actually, I believe that nationally we are at the point. Our individual choices are so bad that we literally have enslaved ourselves. Creditors own everyone and everything. The United States Government is broke. We borrow money from China to pay a large portion of our annual budget. Our country is owned by those in the Far East.

At the same time, the average household has tens of thousands of dollars in credit card debt. People buying crap they cannot afford without thinking about the consequences. Of course, we need to remember they are 'entitled' to have it. Where the money comes from to pay for it is of no importance. 'Charge it' is the American motto.

The slaves are all around us. If you cannot see that then I will guess you are one of them. Many like to point to the unfairness of it all. Horsecrap. People are treated exactly how they teach people to treat them. The simple fact is that the average person is too weak to fight for freedom. Instead, he or she is more concerned with what the neighbors think, thus buying (or leasing) an expensive automobile they cannot afford. Or they decide they need a vacation and book an expensive trip to 'spoil themselves'. Ultimately, debt is the chain that brings people to their knees.

How long until people are feeling the oppression that is being put upon them? I will say that Americans are a resilient lot. They can take a lot of pain. Nevertheless, the housing crisis is starting to put things at critical mass. People are now feeling the pinch. Naturally, they are turning to the government to bail them out. Good luck on that one. Remember, this is the entity that decided the solution to 'too big to fail' was to make the banks bigger. Ultimately, the enslaved will learn the perils of their choices. Then we will see how everyone reacts.

They are fighting 'round the world. It is only a matter of time until they end up here.

Sunday, February 13, 2011


One of the biggest jailers there is in life is the concept of haphazard activity. Fear, laziness, and lack of energy all create a situation where we periodically back off from the activities which should be taken. This blog is an example. I go through stages where I write a great deal then back off. The problem is that I allow how I 'feel' to dictate my actions. It is a sign of weakness when I allow this to happen. At these moments, I am imprisoned because my life is dictated by something other than myself.

Building Blocks

No matter what area of life one is focusing upon, the simple truth is there are building blocks which lead to success. I like to use the building of a house as a visual which describes the concept. A house is started with nothing more than a vacant lot. Throughout the process, certain actions are taken which ultimately lead to completion. The underground wiring is put into place, the foundation laid, and the framing is done. Over time, a house starts to take shape.

Now, let me ask you, how often do the contractors work on the house? If the weather cooperates, you find that, in most instances, these people arrive every day. Daily activity is taken which furthers the progress of the building of the house. It is not a situation where the workers take action 'only when they feel like it'. Consistent action is the key which leads to the creation of a house.

Another example is in the area of exercise. Do you think that one attains better results by working out on a regular basis or if he/she does a marathon session once in a while? The answer is obvious. Those who are in terrific physical shape take action on a regular basis. They are consistent with their workout routine. The blocks to success are laid and built upon daily.


Discipline is something that most people despise. Other than the occasional military brat, this is a word that has a negative connotation in our culture. This means that few are able to exercise consistent behavior in reaching any goal. We are a society of 'starters' but few have what it takes to complete the tasks. Discipline is the key.

The truth is there are times when we do not want to do what is required. Even the top Olympic athletes have days where they do not want to workout. The difference between a person at this level and the average individual is that the champion will take the action. He or she is disciplined enough to work on the chosen craft. The average person succumbs to the temptation to put it off.

Discipline is acquired only by taking consistent action. Like they say, do something for 21 consecutive days and it becomes a new habit. Those who excel have better habits then other people. Instead of habitually watching television after work, develop the habit of walking. Reading is a way to enrich the mind. Do this on a daily basis. Whatever the focus, being consistent with it is paramount.

A New Outlook

Few mention consistency as a desired characteristic. However, when you consider the power it wields, this is one of the most important things in life. Begin today to view being consistent as the most important thing you do in your life. Eliminate the tendency to fall into the pattern of having ups and downs. This is where we become slaves to our emotions. Those who succeed take action in spite of what is happening around them. This is the person you need to become.

Freedom is something that we need to fight for. It is difficult to remain consistent with all that goes on in life. However, the person that can do that is able to attain anything. Go back to the example of the house. By taking consistent action, the building is completed. This is an analogy to keep in your mind. All aspects of life can be associated this way. Look at the value of consistency in changing or altering anything about yourself. Since everything ultimately comes back to the action you take, it is beneficial to act in a consistent matter. Try this for just a few weeks and see how different your life is. I believe you will have a new foundation to build upon.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Societal Slavery

Have you ever considered all the different ways that society enslaves people? If you spend some time thinking about the average person's week (or you own), you will see exactly how people are controlled by others. Freedom is something that most people give away without nary a thought. To them, the decision about what is in front of them is much more important that the long-term affects. Sadly, this is what leads to lifelong imprisonment.

Out of School and Free

For most of us, the time where we have the most freedom is immediately after getting out of school. We spent fours years getting a diploma and suddenly we are done. Now we have 365 degrees of possibilities ahead of us. We can go in any direction. Few have anything tying them down geographically. They can live anywhere they desire. Family is not part of the equation for most people at this point, thus, free from the burden of spouses or children. Of course, this does not last.

People would be much better off if they were conditioned to maintain this state. The truth is that we are taught to go in the opposite direction. Debt is something that is commonplace within our culture. Why pay for it when you can charge it? That is the mindset of the last two generations. The entire economic collapse was a result of massive overspending at all levels. Yet few seem to learn the lessons being offered. Fortunately, for those of us who do, it is an opportunity that hasn't existed in 60 years. We are witnessing a culture change whether people realize it or not.


You boss is one of the most powerful jailers in your life. When you consider what you do for a few measly dollars each week, it is truly criminal. Of course, each one of us does it willingly and without hesitation. There is not a single person who signs a 'slavery clause' in any employment contract. Instead, we make choices the necessitate showing up each day to earn that paycheck.

Why do I start with the job as the jailer? The answer is because most people hate their job. Monday is the national day of mourning each week. Few wake up on that day excited they are going to work. Studies show that it is the day that is most people call in sick.

And why is the job able to exert this much influence over the average person? Again, we see the answer in the behaviors of people. The truth is that people's spending drives them to live for their creditors. People do not profit from their work lives but, rather, the companies these people do business with are the beneficiaries.

Keeping Up With Others

I guess we can consider it human nature to want what others have. We see this in children. They often mention the desire to have something because 'Jimmy's mom bought him one'. Of course, we know the absurdity of this conduct in children.

Or do we? It is ironic to see this same behavior in adults. The truth is that most are immature when it comes to this outlook. A large percentage of our population believes that what other think is important. This causes them to take many actions which are destructive to them. It is a battle that is waged endlessly without a winner. Actually, cancel that. The winner is every company that promotes their product in this matter.

We see people assume large monthly car payments so they can drive an expensive foreign automobile. These same people were also caught in McMansions taking on mortgages they could not afford. Designer labels are purchased no because of the value in terms of quality provide as much as the name recognition. Therefore, we create an endless loop of having to work to substantiate our spending.


Ultimately, it all comes down to what we believe. However, this is another area where many get themselves in trouble. Few have ever considered what they believe and why. Instead, the blindly accepted the dogma that society delivers. Whatever those in power are selling, we are buying.

The idea that the opinions of others means something is a belief that most are attune to. They never get past the notion that it is up to us to judge our own lives. The thoughts other others, especially those we do not know, are meaningless. Adopting this outlook is a powerful step on the road to freedom. Remember, this entire concept starts in the mind.

Analyzing what we think and we is one of the methods of breaking free from societies chains. It is of paramount importance to consider that most of what we were taught was done with the intention of enslaving us. Sure, the people who offered these lessons were well-meaning people. However, we must hold in our minds that they were most likely slaves also.

Society teaches obedience. Those in power truly do not want people to express their individual choice. This applies at ever level of the spectrum. The 'rule makers' do all they can to get people to follow blindly along. Insane amounts of money are spent on items that offer little to no value yet the masses are caught up in the hysteria (the Cabbage Patch craze comes to mind). Each decision that is made, if not moving towards the path of freedom is enslaving one deeper. And this is exactly what society wants.

If you want to live freely, you are going to have to go counter to what the norm is. Start your journey today.

Friday, February 4, 2011

It All Ends Up In The Sewer

This is a simple idea so I will be brief today. Have you ever considered the difference between spending $10 on dinner and $20? The truth is that both dishes end up in the same the sewer. Therefore, what is the real difference?

Sure there are some places that will give you a terrific meal. However, what is one really paying for when dining out. The meal is often not much different from place to place. What varies is the ambiance, service, and reputation of a particular place. All of these are factored into the price. Ultimately, people pay for the experience which might not be worth it.

I find that eating out is something that is a treat. Nevertheless, my goal is to do this as inexpensively as possible. The reason is simple: within a day or so all the food is gone. It is out of my system and no longer a benefit to me. While I will acknowledge there are times to pay more, the type of places I am frequenting will not amount to much in terms of quality. It basically is the same. Thus, if I can get away for as inexpensive as possible, I will do that.

Does this seem miserly to you? Perhaps it is. Yet, frugal is the path to success. Those who spend $18 a plate on dinner are really no further along than the person who spends $8. The only difference, after 48 hours, is the $10 missing from one's debit account. Everything else was in the sewer.

Remember this little tidbit the next time you are going out to eat. It is the experience that is important. However, instead of spending extra on the ambiance, make the person (people) you are with the focus of the experience. It is much more beneficial and will help your charge card.