Friday, April 22, 2011

Debt: The Path To Slavery

People are taught to spend. This is the mindset of the American public, in fact, of the entire Western World. Our entire economy is based upon what is produced and bought. The idea of saving is something that is overlooked in the mantras of our leaders. Instead, whenever there is a major catastrophe, we are told to act normal and spend money. This conditioning comes at a great cost.

Debt: The Prison Most of Us Are In

It is one thing to spend everything that you make. There are many people who have their outgoing matching their incoming. Of course, this creates a terrible situation if one loses his or her job, but, while employed, it is sustainable. People in this situation are broke yet they have a lot of stuff.

Sadly, this is not the place that many stop. If the average person spent only 100% if what he or she took in, then this would be an improvement. The reason is that we simply spend more than we earn. Through the use of debt, we are able to leverage our buying power up many times over. This is something that was done repeatedly over the last 30 years. And, it is something that happened at every level.

Debt becomes an albatross around people's neck. While initially it can be a freeing experience to get something new without having to pay for it, we all know that eventually the creditors come a knocking. There is a time when the payments needs to be made. This is where we cross the line from freedom into slavery.

If you look at the average household, you will realize they are saddled with debt they cannot afford. People have house payments that exceed the value of the home. Sitting in the driveway are two vehicles with a high monthly payment. The credit cards are maxed with payments equally 18%+. Overall, we are a nation of people who work to pay interest on the goodies we all received. This puts us in a financial prison which few ever can break free of.

The Path To Freedom

If debt leads to slavery, what is the path to freedom? Quite simply, it is cash. Paying for everything that you need at the time you purchase it eliminates the need for debt. This is a methodology which ensures that you live within your means. Those who like to move fast tend to 'charge it'. These are the people most interested in 'instant gratification'. They want it in that moment and they will have it. How to pay for it is something that will be considered at a later date.

Society is not geared towards this idea. Instead, the average individual buys into the mindset that he or she must spend to be worthy. Few practice financial responsibility. What is more common is the entitlement mentality that 'I deserve this'. The idea of driving an older car is not palatable. Cable television and Xbox are a necessity in life. Whatever anyone else has, we deserve it also regardless of the difference in economic level.

Sadly, the powers that are promote this idea. Madison Avenue is terrific at making people believe they are entitled to things. Politicians and business leaders also spew this same idea. We are Americans after all with the highest standard of living. Therefore, everyone deserves to own his or her own home. This was the mantra of the last 15 years and look where that got us. Basically, many people were not responsible enough to be owning their own home. Yet that didnt stop them from getting involved in that game with horrific results.

The point is the path of the masses ultimately leads to enslavement. At the core of everything is the banking system which makes money each time someone buys into the entitlement idea. The amount of interest we pay collectively is astounding. Bankers have always rigged the game in their favor. Today, we see the Federal Reserve charging interest off the dollar bills it creates which it conveniently parks in the vaults of the major banks. This practice dates back many years and serves as a means of taking from the masses. I will let you research this idea on your own since there are thousands of articles and videos depicting this same point.

At the end of the day, you have to be willing to forgo debt if you are to be free. This will require a shift in your mindset because we are conditioned to buy, buy, buy. The idea of living within one's means is foreign to all of us. We feel it is our right to take a trip without having to save up for it. This thinking only serves to put us in financial servitude. The amount of debt we are swimming in will sink us. Break free by using cash only for purchases. It is one major act on your path to freedom.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Our Government Dilemma

Friday, April 15, 2011

Save! Save! Save!

The United States financial system is set up to enslave you. In fact, the entire Western world is based upon this idea. Financial domination is something that the powers that are seek to maintain and grow. Anyone who ever experienced debt knows the hole just gets deeper.

Misuse of Debt

We recently witnessed the crash of one of the biggest bubbles the world ever saw. The housing crisis that results from the credit expansion of the last decade is filtering through every segment of our society. Unemployment is at record levels with people feeling the pain. There are few who are not affected in some way.

The entire episode was the culmination of the misuse of debt. People spent more than they could reasonably pay back. While there are many reasons this took place (and places to point the finger), the truth is that people were given money who didnt deserve it. The greed of the banking industry to keep the mortgage pipeline full overrode common sense underwriting standards. Now, we as a nation, are left picking up the pieces.

Debt is a wonderful tool to use as long as one keeps things in proper perspective. Leveraging is a legitimate way to make money. In fact, it is truly one of those financial mechanisms which creates tremendous wealth. However, as we saw, when in the wrong hands, it is catastrophic. People who use every dollar of credit offered will end up destroyed. I would say that most of the masses fall into this category.


Have you ever noticed how the political figures never stand up and say we have to save more. Whenever a crisis hits, the mantra is for people to keep spending. Their viewpoint is to keep the economy churning regardless of the outcome. The impact on the individual is not in their mindset. Ultimately, as is always the case, the individual minion gets stuck holding the bag.

Fortunately, I am here to tell you something different. If you hope to be free and exist on any type of high standard of living in the future, you MUST save. Following the behaviors of the past will doom you to the same failure. There are millions of people who are teetering on the edge of financial insolvency who have no idea. The net worth of the United States, both as an entity and a collection of individuals, is less than zero. At some point, that rooster will come home. And the time is not so far along

The who create bubbles are engaging in a high risk game. Many of the 'market makers' know exactly what they are doing. They have the knowledge and connections to ride the bubble up and bail at just the right time. The average person does not. That is why saving is so important. It allows us to enter into the game only when things are at an optimum for us. Following the herd is not a sound financial plan.

Those with money are able to make more money. Ensure that you are one of these people. Begin the process immediately of saving all that you can. Reduce your entertainment expense as much as you can. Cut out those unnecessary expenditures. Cancel your cable. Do everything in your power to start amasses some money in savings. This will allow you to be ahead of the next bubble when it pops. A contrarian outlook here is extremely beneficial.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Freedom: Personal Responsibility

This Friday, Atlas Shrugged The Movie, opens up in theaters across the country. Here is one of those films that was self financed by an individual in an effort to get the message out there. The total cost, of which is only the first installment in what is presumed to be a 3 installment series is $20 million. This is a not a tidy sum compared to the common Hollywood film. However, since this message is one that the Hollywood elite deems useless, this cannot be considered one of their films. In essence, it was made by outsiders.

Personal Responsibility

Ayn Rand is one of the 20th centuries greatest minds. Her writings still are studied to this day. She has influenced the beliefs of millions over the last 60 years. Atlas Shrugged is perhaps her most famous work. While it was a fictional novel, we see much of what she wrote about playing out today in the Western world.

Rand was a proponent of personal responsibility. She detested dogma much in the same way I do. Her belief system moved her to the Atheist end of the spectrum. Religion held little value whatsoever in her opinion. Of course, the handouts of the government ranks up there with the Crusades in terms of abominations. She felt that only a true society could flourish where individuals made it based upon their own accord. Sadly, this is not the America we see today.

Since I am a proponent of freedom, I feel that the writings of Ayn Rand are worthwhile. She hits upon some fundamental issues which we collectively failed to ensure. Personal liberty was one of her highest values. This is something that we have tossed aside in favor of the Kool-Aid the politicians feed us. Many will point to Barack Obama as evidence of this. However, George W. Bush was no better. He forced the Patriot Act down people's throats in the name of "The War On Terror". Different part, same result.

Freedom Isn't Free

There is a price for freedom. It does not come free. The lives that were sacrificed (and still are) to preserve our values in armed conflicts over the years show how high the price truly is. Of course, not all of us need to go to this extreme. But, we do need to stand up and contribute.

America is a nation of lazy, stupid, immature, and excessive people. While many will think this characterization harsh, look around. You will see I am correct. We are a culture of mindless boobs who watch American Idol on our big screen t.v.s which were financed along with everything else we have. We are the 'give me' generation who wants everything served up to us on a silver platter. Our obesity rate is approaching 60% because people are too lazy to get off their butts and exercise. It is far easier to be a slave to the couch then to implement free will. This is the status of the average American.

Of course, we see this in people's voting patterns. They cast their ballots for the person who is going to give him or her the most. We are a nation of handout with recent reports stating that 1/3 the country receives a check from the government. This is hardly the world that Rand saw in her visions. Her belief system laid in the opposite direction. She felt that people had a responsibility to take care of themselves. Productive achievement was man's noblest causes. This idea excludes the couch potato crowd.

Slavery Is Upon Us

150 years ago the first shots of the Civil War were fired. This was the costliest war in terms of American lives ever fought (it makes sense since every casualty, no matter which side, was an American). Many believe this war was fought over slavery. It was not. Instead, the Civil War was a battle of power. The South simply did not want the North dictating how it was operating. The issue of slavery was a rallying cry. Power (and money) was at the core.

Today, we are losing the war of slavery as a nation. The country is in hoc to foreign countries to the tune of trillions. At the same time, we are dependent upon foreign dictatorships for our energy while siphoning off trillions more from our pocketbooks. I already mentioned how we stand on the individual level with our excessive habits. Overall, America is fat but about to be put on a very low calorie diet.

I suggest everyone take the initiative to get his or her house in order. Start with your financial situation. Stop being a slave to your creditors by spending like a teenager at the mall with mommy's credit card. Only purchase those items which are absolutely needed. Of course, this entails learning the difference between a need and a want. Those who believe that an IPhone is a need are way off the reservation.

Ayn Rand spoke as a prophet. Naturally, I will emphatically state that she is not some God to be revered. Her insights were based upon observations of governmental systems that operated for centuries. However, her vision of the state of America is eerily true. Today, we are at the crossroads. We must decide who was are and what we stand for. Most people will not do this. Instead, they will follow blindly right off the edge of a cliff. The powers that are will ensure this. Remember this idea the next time you believe that it is too difficult to step out on your own and question your life. That decision might be costly.

I encourage everyone to hit up this movie this weekend. If you want more information, check out the official website.
