Friday, April 15, 2011

Save! Save! Save!

The United States financial system is set up to enslave you. In fact, the entire Western world is based upon this idea. Financial domination is something that the powers that are seek to maintain and grow. Anyone who ever experienced debt knows the hole just gets deeper.

Misuse of Debt

We recently witnessed the crash of one of the biggest bubbles the world ever saw. The housing crisis that results from the credit expansion of the last decade is filtering through every segment of our society. Unemployment is at record levels with people feeling the pain. There are few who are not affected in some way.

The entire episode was the culmination of the misuse of debt. People spent more than they could reasonably pay back. While there are many reasons this took place (and places to point the finger), the truth is that people were given money who didnt deserve it. The greed of the banking industry to keep the mortgage pipeline full overrode common sense underwriting standards. Now, we as a nation, are left picking up the pieces.

Debt is a wonderful tool to use as long as one keeps things in proper perspective. Leveraging is a legitimate way to make money. In fact, it is truly one of those financial mechanisms which creates tremendous wealth. However, as we saw, when in the wrong hands, it is catastrophic. People who use every dollar of credit offered will end up destroyed. I would say that most of the masses fall into this category.


Have you ever noticed how the political figures never stand up and say we have to save more. Whenever a crisis hits, the mantra is for people to keep spending. Their viewpoint is to keep the economy churning regardless of the outcome. The impact on the individual is not in their mindset. Ultimately, as is always the case, the individual minion gets stuck holding the bag.

Fortunately, I am here to tell you something different. If you hope to be free and exist on any type of high standard of living in the future, you MUST save. Following the behaviors of the past will doom you to the same failure. There are millions of people who are teetering on the edge of financial insolvency who have no idea. The net worth of the United States, both as an entity and a collection of individuals, is less than zero. At some point, that rooster will come home. And the time is not so far along

The who create bubbles are engaging in a high risk game. Many of the 'market makers' know exactly what they are doing. They have the knowledge and connections to ride the bubble up and bail at just the right time. The average person does not. That is why saving is so important. It allows us to enter into the game only when things are at an optimum for us. Following the herd is not a sound financial plan.

Those with money are able to make more money. Ensure that you are one of these people. Begin the process immediately of saving all that you can. Reduce your entertainment expense as much as you can. Cut out those unnecessary expenditures. Cancel your cable. Do everything in your power to start amasses some money in savings. This will allow you to be ahead of the next bubble when it pops. A contrarian outlook here is extremely beneficial.


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