Saturday, May 7, 2011

Making Criminals Out Of Everyone

There is an old idea that tells us if a government writes enough laws, eventually even the most honest man will become a criminal. And, this is exactly what we are seeing in the United States and other nations around the world. We need only look at the U.S tax code to understand how this idea concept applies. With over 80,000 pages of law, one is bound to do something 'illegal' even if he or she has no intention of doing so. The same is true of our traffic laws. No matter how carefully one drives, he or she is going to break a law at some point driving home from work. It is impossible not to.

By Design

Do not think this is something that was not done by design. When it comes to this situation, it was no accident. The government is concerned with one thing: control over the people. We can believe in all the slogans and mantras we want. The truth is, when looking at the history of governments, that they exist only to gain and exercise power.

Now, if everyone is a criminal simply because of all the laws that are written, what does that mean? Simply, by issuing decisions in an arbitrary fashion, those in power can 'eliminate' anyone who opposes their ideas. Again, we have seen this implemented repeatedly over the years.

Law Abiding Citizen

There are many who are foolish enough to think the government is there to help them. While it might be that way in theory, those in power are doing anything but helping themselves. Congress is a prime example. Do Senators do what is best for the people they represent? No. If you look at their voting record, they do what is best for getting them re-elected.

Therefore, those who are law-abiding citizens are playing right into their hands. One could drive him or herself neurotic by dwelling upon every law there is. As mentioned, even the best intentioned person will ultimately break a plethora of laws. Obedience is what makes one weaker especially if it is blind obedience.

So, what is the answer? My recommendation is to be a conscious lawbreaker. Now, I am not advocating becoming a revolutionary unless that is something you have thought long and hard about (and are willing to suffer the consequences of that action). What I mean is to ignore some of the stupid laws that only make your life irrationally impossible to live. For example, we all know that we are suppose to cross the street in the area designed for crossing. Failure to do so results in a ticket for jaywalking. So one is confronted with walking down the street to the crosswalk or going ahead and saving the time while crossing where he or she sees fit. A conscious law breaker is going to save the time.

If we instill in us that the government grows and grows until it gets to a point that it erodes all of our freedoms, then we can begin to take steps to a different end. It ultimately wants to make a criminal out of all of us. Once it does that, then it can randomly exert its power as it sees fit. And, we are defenseless against any of it. Keep this in mind.


Thursday, May 5, 2011

We Are Part of the Animal Kingdom

Mankind likes to think of itself so smart. Stemming from this reasoning, he believes that he is somehow exempt from the natural laws of the world. Being part of the Animal Kingdom means that there are certain principles which equally apply to man. Largest among these is the idea of 'survival of the fittest'. Those who believe in something different are engaging in fantasy thinking.

Take Care of Your Own

The American economic system created a situation whereby slavery is commonplace. Even though legally outlawed 150 years ago, the truth is the international bankers and power brokers brought it back in a big way. However, instead of affecting the black culture, this has penetrated every race other than those 'chosen' to be elite. These people are the controlling forces of the world's financial trade. Unless the average person wakes up, the masses are doomed. Get ready for the biggest collapse ever witnessed.

It is no secret we were living in a bubble. My estimation is that the American economy was overextended by at least 25%. The average household has thousands of dollars worth of credit card debt. That means that the GDP was erred on the high side because of all that money. The same is true for housing. Inflation propped up the prices to the point where they burst like a carnival balloon. Again, we have numbers factored in which didn't belong in the national GDP.

Now we are faced with the hard times. Many say the economy is recovering....I say horsecrap. Like the old adage goes, 'you ain't seen nothing yet'. We are going to encounter economic chaos in the next few years. Many of the doomsdayers are being proven correct. It is high time that the average man starts to take care of his own. We will meet a point where all the charity and welfare is going to dry up. Those who believe in the eternal gravy train will be burdened even more than the rest of us. Economic collapse is a tremendous opportunity for those who are prepared.

Study What The Laws Are Telling You

Does the lion ever stop and help the injured fawn? Do you see the turtles helping a suffering fish? Of course not. Nature instilled within every species the internal need to survive. This is both on an individual and species basis. Taking care of one's own is mandated by nature. Mankind forgot this little tidbit.

We send billions of dollars to suffering countries to support people of different races and faiths that go counter to our ideals. America has become of the saps of the world assisting ever bleeding heart. On an individual level, we give more money to charity than any other nation on the planet. Yet, we also have the largest amount of freeloaders. This should come as no surprise since nature tells us what happens when we do this.

The fact is that some need to be cleansed. This is true from an individual standpoint and an economic one. Some businesses need to fail so others can thrive. There are only a certain amount of resources and when those resources are directed towards failing enterprises, they cannot be given to people who will create success. The strong must allow the weak to fail so that the strong can become stronger. The weak are a drain on valuable resources.

Of course, some will say this is a class warfare argument. No it isn't. Just because someone is presently on the lower level in terms of income, that does not make them weak. By the same token, riches do not necessarily equate to strength. Many times we do not know our own internal ability until we are faced with catastrophic situations. This is where strength is realized. Those who are left to sink or swim on their own often find the ability to remain above the surface. No assistance is needed. However, our mindset is help everyone who is in trouble.

That being said, we do have a responsibility to those closest to us. Unless we are will to care for those who are dependent upon us, we will suffer the fate of all weak people...extinction. Notice how in nature, a mother tends to her cubs. This is her responsibility. She protects, nurtures, and teaches her own. Of course, she does not offer this service to ever creature who comes along. It is only her family that receives this benefit.

Until we start accepting that we are animals and acting in accordance, we will be swallowed up but those who live according to these principles. If you doubt this, consider what concepts the international bankers are living by and see how they are faring. Trust me when I tell you the ideals differ greatly. They are the lions and you are the sheep.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Battle For Survival

Have you noticed what is going on in the world? Those who study economics and the current environment realize that the United States is on an unsustainable path. Many economic minds agree with this sentiment. Consider this fact: we owe roughly $14 trillion while running a deficit of about $1.5 trillion. At this pace, since we are falling further behind, we will pay this debt off in.....never!!!!

Therefore, we are insolvent. For those who do not know what that word means there is something that is more with the mainstream terminology: BROKE. The United States has no money. We are borrowing almost half of our annual spending. This is a situation that cannot transpire forever.

We See Our Future

You want to see our future, just look at Europe. Or for something closer to home, check out the situation in California. Each of these examples exemplifies what happens when spending gets out of control. Bailouts are occurring all over the place. Simply, there is not enough money to sustain this outrageous spending.

Sadly, many people cannot see this. They proceed with the same outlook as they always have. Spending remains at a normal high with the United States still living as a consumer society. They are completely blind to what is going on. Unfortunately, many of these people are in our own government. Our leaders are completely oblivious (or dont care) about what is happening. They are still operating like they always did. Our future is not bright.

Why all the doom and gloom? Because the slave drivers are gaining more and more power. The international bankers are well known to be the manipulators of the world economies. Through the different central banks, the power brokers establish boom and bust cycles. They ride the bubble up, get out close to the peak, and hop back in after the wreckage is complete. Look at the present housing situation to see this in action. The banks made record profits during the run up, off-loaded much off their debt obligations, got government bailouts, and now are make huge profits again even with the economy still in a recession. In short, the masses are being screwed by the financial community.

Fighting For Your Life

I am writing now to tell you that it is time to fight for your life. Everything is riding on the next couple of years. It is time for each individual to take a different approach to their own financial affairs. To start, stop spending. Cut your expenses to make yourself leaner and meaner. Stop being a slave to instant gratification and resist getting things just because you want them. Focus on your needs while putting off your wants. Start to make the proper financial decisions that will help you in the coming years.

Financially most are indebted. That is how the jailers are amassing more control. If you want to see mastery in action, look at how the Jewish banking community has enslaved many of the worlds economies. They run the financial networks, therefore, have the resources to sustain people for a while. Of course, once the present bubble pops, all bets are off. Suddenly, our banker is at the door looking for repayment. Again, look at the housing situation to see this in action. Many people got in over their heads only to learn that the bank is now foreclosing on them. Their indebtedness has made them a slave.

If you think this is a situation to take lightly, look at the current situation in the United States. And, I am not referring to the garbage numbers that the governments puts out. The true unemployment rate is closer to 20% which means that 1 in 5 is out of work. At the same time, people have no savings whatsoever. The entire net worth of the average American was tied up in their homes. Now, that vanished into thin air with 1 in 4 mortgages underwater. In other words, people have a negative net worth.

One final thing to ponder. At one point, 40% of the U.S. economy was related to real estate. Guess what? That bird is not flying any time soon. Unemployment will remain high because there is no industry to replace those jobs that were lost. We better get accustomed to a higher unemployment rate because it is now a fact of life.

It is time to wake up. If you want to remain someone who is free, you best do something different than the average person. Life is going to get a lot tougher for most.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Debt: The Path To Slavery

People are taught to spend. This is the mindset of the American public, in fact, of the entire Western World. Our entire economy is based upon what is produced and bought. The idea of saving is something that is overlooked in the mantras of our leaders. Instead, whenever there is a major catastrophe, we are told to act normal and spend money. This conditioning comes at a great cost.

Debt: The Prison Most of Us Are In

It is one thing to spend everything that you make. There are many people who have their outgoing matching their incoming. Of course, this creates a terrible situation if one loses his or her job, but, while employed, it is sustainable. People in this situation are broke yet they have a lot of stuff.

Sadly, this is not the place that many stop. If the average person spent only 100% if what he or she took in, then this would be an improvement. The reason is that we simply spend more than we earn. Through the use of debt, we are able to leverage our buying power up many times over. This is something that was done repeatedly over the last 30 years. And, it is something that happened at every level.

Debt becomes an albatross around people's neck. While initially it can be a freeing experience to get something new without having to pay for it, we all know that eventually the creditors come a knocking. There is a time when the payments needs to be made. This is where we cross the line from freedom into slavery.

If you look at the average household, you will realize they are saddled with debt they cannot afford. People have house payments that exceed the value of the home. Sitting in the driveway are two vehicles with a high monthly payment. The credit cards are maxed with payments equally 18%+. Overall, we are a nation of people who work to pay interest on the goodies we all received. This puts us in a financial prison which few ever can break free of.

The Path To Freedom

If debt leads to slavery, what is the path to freedom? Quite simply, it is cash. Paying for everything that you need at the time you purchase it eliminates the need for debt. This is a methodology which ensures that you live within your means. Those who like to move fast tend to 'charge it'. These are the people most interested in 'instant gratification'. They want it in that moment and they will have it. How to pay for it is something that will be considered at a later date.

Society is not geared towards this idea. Instead, the average individual buys into the mindset that he or she must spend to be worthy. Few practice financial responsibility. What is more common is the entitlement mentality that 'I deserve this'. The idea of driving an older car is not palatable. Cable television and Xbox are a necessity in life. Whatever anyone else has, we deserve it also regardless of the difference in economic level.

Sadly, the powers that are promote this idea. Madison Avenue is terrific at making people believe they are entitled to things. Politicians and business leaders also spew this same idea. We are Americans after all with the highest standard of living. Therefore, everyone deserves to own his or her own home. This was the mantra of the last 15 years and look where that got us. Basically, many people were not responsible enough to be owning their own home. Yet that didnt stop them from getting involved in that game with horrific results.

The point is the path of the masses ultimately leads to enslavement. At the core of everything is the banking system which makes money each time someone buys into the entitlement idea. The amount of interest we pay collectively is astounding. Bankers have always rigged the game in their favor. Today, we see the Federal Reserve charging interest off the dollar bills it creates which it conveniently parks in the vaults of the major banks. This practice dates back many years and serves as a means of taking from the masses. I will let you research this idea on your own since there are thousands of articles and videos depicting this same point.

At the end of the day, you have to be willing to forgo debt if you are to be free. This will require a shift in your mindset because we are conditioned to buy, buy, buy. The idea of living within one's means is foreign to all of us. We feel it is our right to take a trip without having to save up for it. This thinking only serves to put us in financial servitude. The amount of debt we are swimming in will sink us. Break free by using cash only for purchases. It is one major act on your path to freedom.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Our Government Dilemma

Friday, April 15, 2011

Save! Save! Save!

The United States financial system is set up to enslave you. In fact, the entire Western world is based upon this idea. Financial domination is something that the powers that are seek to maintain and grow. Anyone who ever experienced debt knows the hole just gets deeper.

Misuse of Debt

We recently witnessed the crash of one of the biggest bubbles the world ever saw. The housing crisis that results from the credit expansion of the last decade is filtering through every segment of our society. Unemployment is at record levels with people feeling the pain. There are few who are not affected in some way.

The entire episode was the culmination of the misuse of debt. People spent more than they could reasonably pay back. While there are many reasons this took place (and places to point the finger), the truth is that people were given money who didnt deserve it. The greed of the banking industry to keep the mortgage pipeline full overrode common sense underwriting standards. Now, we as a nation, are left picking up the pieces.

Debt is a wonderful tool to use as long as one keeps things in proper perspective. Leveraging is a legitimate way to make money. In fact, it is truly one of those financial mechanisms which creates tremendous wealth. However, as we saw, when in the wrong hands, it is catastrophic. People who use every dollar of credit offered will end up destroyed. I would say that most of the masses fall into this category.


Have you ever noticed how the political figures never stand up and say we have to save more. Whenever a crisis hits, the mantra is for people to keep spending. Their viewpoint is to keep the economy churning regardless of the outcome. The impact on the individual is not in their mindset. Ultimately, as is always the case, the individual minion gets stuck holding the bag.

Fortunately, I am here to tell you something different. If you hope to be free and exist on any type of high standard of living in the future, you MUST save. Following the behaviors of the past will doom you to the same failure. There are millions of people who are teetering on the edge of financial insolvency who have no idea. The net worth of the United States, both as an entity and a collection of individuals, is less than zero. At some point, that rooster will come home. And the time is not so far along

The who create bubbles are engaging in a high risk game. Many of the 'market makers' know exactly what they are doing. They have the knowledge and connections to ride the bubble up and bail at just the right time. The average person does not. That is why saving is so important. It allows us to enter into the game only when things are at an optimum for us. Following the herd is not a sound financial plan.

Those with money are able to make more money. Ensure that you are one of these people. Begin the process immediately of saving all that you can. Reduce your entertainment expense as much as you can. Cut out those unnecessary expenditures. Cancel your cable. Do everything in your power to start amasses some money in savings. This will allow you to be ahead of the next bubble when it pops. A contrarian outlook here is extremely beneficial.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Freedom: Personal Responsibility

This Friday, Atlas Shrugged The Movie, opens up in theaters across the country. Here is one of those films that was self financed by an individual in an effort to get the message out there. The total cost, of which is only the first installment in what is presumed to be a 3 installment series is $20 million. This is a not a tidy sum compared to the common Hollywood film. However, since this message is one that the Hollywood elite deems useless, this cannot be considered one of their films. In essence, it was made by outsiders.

Personal Responsibility

Ayn Rand is one of the 20th centuries greatest minds. Her writings still are studied to this day. She has influenced the beliefs of millions over the last 60 years. Atlas Shrugged is perhaps her most famous work. While it was a fictional novel, we see much of what she wrote about playing out today in the Western world.

Rand was a proponent of personal responsibility. She detested dogma much in the same way I do. Her belief system moved her to the Atheist end of the spectrum. Religion held little value whatsoever in her opinion. Of course, the handouts of the government ranks up there with the Crusades in terms of abominations. She felt that only a true society could flourish where individuals made it based upon their own accord. Sadly, this is not the America we see today.

Since I am a proponent of freedom, I feel that the writings of Ayn Rand are worthwhile. She hits upon some fundamental issues which we collectively failed to ensure. Personal liberty was one of her highest values. This is something that we have tossed aside in favor of the Kool-Aid the politicians feed us. Many will point to Barack Obama as evidence of this. However, George W. Bush was no better. He forced the Patriot Act down people's throats in the name of "The War On Terror". Different part, same result.

Freedom Isn't Free

There is a price for freedom. It does not come free. The lives that were sacrificed (and still are) to preserve our values in armed conflicts over the years show how high the price truly is. Of course, not all of us need to go to this extreme. But, we do need to stand up and contribute.

America is a nation of lazy, stupid, immature, and excessive people. While many will think this characterization harsh, look around. You will see I am correct. We are a culture of mindless boobs who watch American Idol on our big screen t.v.s which were financed along with everything else we have. We are the 'give me' generation who wants everything served up to us on a silver platter. Our obesity rate is approaching 60% because people are too lazy to get off their butts and exercise. It is far easier to be a slave to the couch then to implement free will. This is the status of the average American.

Of course, we see this in people's voting patterns. They cast their ballots for the person who is going to give him or her the most. We are a nation of handout with recent reports stating that 1/3 the country receives a check from the government. This is hardly the world that Rand saw in her visions. Her belief system laid in the opposite direction. She felt that people had a responsibility to take care of themselves. Productive achievement was man's noblest causes. This idea excludes the couch potato crowd.

Slavery Is Upon Us

150 years ago the first shots of the Civil War were fired. This was the costliest war in terms of American lives ever fought (it makes sense since every casualty, no matter which side, was an American). Many believe this war was fought over slavery. It was not. Instead, the Civil War was a battle of power. The South simply did not want the North dictating how it was operating. The issue of slavery was a rallying cry. Power (and money) was at the core.

Today, we are losing the war of slavery as a nation. The country is in hoc to foreign countries to the tune of trillions. At the same time, we are dependent upon foreign dictatorships for our energy while siphoning off trillions more from our pocketbooks. I already mentioned how we stand on the individual level with our excessive habits. Overall, America is fat but about to be put on a very low calorie diet.

I suggest everyone take the initiative to get his or her house in order. Start with your financial situation. Stop being a slave to your creditors by spending like a teenager at the mall with mommy's credit card. Only purchase those items which are absolutely needed. Of course, this entails learning the difference between a need and a want. Those who believe that an IPhone is a need are way off the reservation.

Ayn Rand spoke as a prophet. Naturally, I will emphatically state that she is not some God to be revered. Her insights were based upon observations of governmental systems that operated for centuries. However, her vision of the state of America is eerily true. Today, we are at the crossroads. We must decide who was are and what we stand for. Most people will not do this. Instead, they will follow blindly right off the edge of a cliff. The powers that are will ensure this. Remember this idea the next time you believe that it is too difficult to step out on your own and question your life. That decision might be costly.

I encourage everyone to hit up this movie this weekend. If you want more information, check out the official website.


Saturday, March 19, 2011

Divide Not Unify

The title of this post is an odd one. However, it comes after a great deal of thought to the way people approach the world. Stemming from the basis of man's nature, I would like to see the world populated with more dividers and the elimination of those who unify.

Man's Nature: Conflict

Throughout the ages, we are wrought with a history littered with conflict. It is that simple. No matter how much one tries to gloss over it, we are a population that is violent. Just look at the 20th century as an example. Our most notable time periods are denoted by war. WWI, WWII, Korea, and Vietnam all allude to time periods. War is in our nature.

"Peace on Earth'

This is a myth that costs more in terms of resources than anything else. Guess what? Peace is a pipedream. When in man's long history was this achieved? The answer is never. Of course, the purveyors of this lie will point to the fact that we are now entering into the age of Enlightenment. Well, that is also horse dung. The truth is that we are no more enlightened than before. Man's nature is conflict because that is the basis of nature. Man resides in the Animal Kingdom and cannot refute the laws that exist there.

Progress Out Of Conflict

I saw an interview with one of my favorite writers, Christopher Hitchens. He stated that his idea of being a divider is because that is where progress is made. I agree wholeheartedly with this sentiment. Those who are 'unifyers' are the ones who ultimately tear things apart. It is only the dividers (and sometimes those who conquer) who end up moving things forward.

Take the situation in Libya at the moment. Those who are rebelling against a tyrant are the ones who might have an impact on that society. Fortunately, we are blessed to have the 'Great Unifyer' in the White House. Of course, he stood by for three weeks while people were being slaughtered on the ground. His unifying is causing thousands to be killed. So much for that concept.


Those who want to unify engage in the act of appeasement. This is a path that the weak take. While it will get politicians a round of applause, appeasing those who mean harm is never a good thing. Everywhere you turn you can point out situations that require strength. Instead, you find a host of people who want to appease them. Whether they are politicians, marketers, or do gooders, the truth is these people are simply weakening that group. Only those who can step back and see this have the power to overcome this.

Take the weight epidemic in our country. It seems that people today consider obesity to be a civil right. Thus, picking on a fat person is the equivalent of violating their civil rights. How absurd. Only a pure simpleton would try to equate being 150 overweight with being blacks while suffering discrimination because of it. That is asinine. But the unifyers want to make everyone happy.

Freedom is not about making everyone happy. And it certainly isnt allowing others to establish a system where you are held captive. 95% of obese people will claim they have a illness. They like to point to emotional issues they are dealing with. Past abuses are referred to as the cause why one is fat. Hogwash. Deal with them and move on. The fact that one is using food to cope shows an immaturity on that individuals part. It is that simple. Get the help you need to correct the action. That is what freedom is about.

The world needs a new way of thinking. Those who like to promote the same old recycled ideas never move society forward. Instead, they just spew the same concepts which enslave everyone who is foolish enough to follow. Those who want to unify are guilty of this. Stop doing that if you presently are. Divide instead. It is the only way to make a difference.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Debt Is Not Freedom

There is a great debate going on at the federal and state levels about the amount of debt our governments are racking up. There are many who feel that we can continue to spend without any penalties. However, there is also a growing band of individuals who feel that perhaps it is time to stop running up debts that our children will have to pay for.

So what is the answer? Personally, as a lover of freedom, I feel that debt is an albatross around the neck of anyone who bears it. Look at what is happening around the country and you will see how bad things are. At the personal level, people are entering bankruptcy because of their spending. And, at the governmental level, now that revenues are decreasing, the over spending of the past is coming home to roost.

Debt is a jailer. The other day I put up a video about the Federal Reserve and the banking system. This is simply the originator of all debt. From here, it grows until it is around your neck. Debt is the noose that someone else can close at anytime.

People work their entire lives to pay their bills. Look at the average savings rate and you will see this. People simply have nothing to show for their years of effort. They are slaves in the highest sense. Their entire working existence benefited someone else. To me, this is the epitome of slavery.

Everyone seems to think there is an income problem. This is the American way of thinking. Sadly, for most, it is absolutely inaccurate. The truth is that there is plenty of money coming in. What causes the problem is spending. We see this in both individuals, companies, and governments. The truth is excessive spending amounts to volunteering to live as a slave. It is that simple.

Consider the plight of the American people the last decade or so. We felt we were entitled to live the 'high life' regardless of whether one could afford it or not. The idea started that we were to live in the nicest house money could buy. The term McMansion" was born. Of course, this then extended to the nice automobiles (new not used) and vacations to exotic lands. Since free cash was not available for these ventures, the refinancing of the homes because our ATM. At the same time, we were racking up credit card debts to the tune of tens of thousands per household. Nobody believed there would be negative consequences of all this spending.

Of course, we all know what happened. The housing market collapse bringing with it the entire global economy. Suddenly, people found themselves either unemployed or underemployed. And guess what came knocking at the door? The debt collectors. Overnight, millions of people could not pay their mortgages, car payments, credit card balances, and home equity lines. The negative side of debt reared it's head. Why was anyone surprised? The idea that one could get away without 'paying the piper' was insane. The day of reckoning always comes.

Basically, if you are to be free, then you must realize the importance of eliminating all debt from your life. Those who continue to carry this around are guaranteeing they will remain enslaved for the rest of their lives. The lessons are clear but few seem to want to learn them. Debt = Slavery. It is that simple.

I believe the American people, and most Western societies, need to acclimate themselves to living about 25% lower than they were. As a culture, we spent at least 125% of what we brought in. It is time for families to deleverage. Sadly, I feel that few will. Most are going to carry their ignorance back into the same hole again. We are terrible students of history. For whatever reason, we believe that 'this time will be different'. It never is.

I suggest you start the process of eliminating any debt you have immediately. Take any extra money and pay off your credit cards now. Remove that burden from your life. Start to exist on a cash basis. If you can afford it in the moment fine. But, if you lack the funds, then you are to pass on the item. 'Charge it' is removed from your vocabulary.

The mindset needs to change. Get rid of the idea that you are entitled to anything. The truth is you are not. You are entitled to what you can pay for. That is a motto you need to adopt. Again, it is freedom we are after and that comes with a price. Many had to lay their lives down for that. Your contribution to that cause is to be in control of you desires. Instant gratification needs to be replaced with discipline. This is the path to freedom.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Share This With Everyone

Sunday, March 13, 2011

How Quickly It Can Change

I spent a bit of time reading about the events over in Japan. For those who were on another planet the last 48 hours, Japan with hit with the 5 strongest earthquake of the last 100 years. This natural devastation send a powerful tsunami through the county. Many thousands are dead with more fear with the perilous situation regarding a few nuclear reactors. If these have a meltdown, the death toll is sure to climb proportionately.

What does this all have to do with a blog about freedom. My point is to emphasize how quickly things can change. Life, as we know, is precious. It can be lost in an instant. I am certain that many of those killed had plans for the future. They held dreams of things they wanted to experience before their time here ended. Sadly, Friday morning saw that come to pass. Everything left on the 'to do' list is left unfulfilled. In other words, it no longer matter. These people are gone.

Statistical analysis leads me to believe that most of the ones who are dying in this tragedy existed as slaves. Since most of the world lives according to the mandates of others, it is no surprise. Freedom is given away by all people on a daily basis. I only hope these people were happy when the end ultimately came.

My point is that you have no time to waste. None of us know when the death will knock on our door. It is one of the mysteries of life. Perhaps it would be better to have an end date in mind so that we could experience what we wanted. However, we are not afforded that luxury. Therefore, it is imperative that we all make the most of every moment we have left. And, for me, it starts with reaching out for as much freedom as humanly possible. Live free or die. A motto worthy of serious consideration.

I wonder what the viewpoint would be of those who passed away in the last 48 hours. Do you think they would do things differently? I believe they would.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The Opinion of Others

This is a lesson I keep learning over and over. I am one who takes things to heart, like most people. There are times when I allow the opinions of others to influence me more than they should. Of course, this defect is something that I continue to work on in an effort to overcome it. Behaving like this is poison in my life.


The worst offender of this is often family. There is an old saying, "you can choose your friends but you cannot choose your family". Old sayings are old for a reason; they contain an element of truth to them. No matter how you break it down, we are all stuck with the families we have.

One thing I will mention that is important is that, for most, our family members love us. In their hearts, they want what is best for us. However, too often, they seem to think they know what that is. The truth is that our family members, statistically speaking, are just as messed up as the rest of society. While they have their wonderful attributes, they are also prisoners of their own creations. Take a look at their lives and you will see what I mean.

Many will tell you they only 'want you to be happy'. Nevertheless, when it comes to those who are closest to us, this is not exactly true. A more accurate statement is 'I only want you to be happy as long as you do as I think you should'. This is the true meaning behind what they say.

If you doubt this, try and do something that would set your family on their ears. Do something that goes directly in opposition to their core values. For example, if Orthodox Christians, bring home a Muslim; date a Republican (or Democrat); cheer for the Red Sox against the Yankees; quit your job and go to work for a charity. Whatever the belief, attack it with your choices and see what response you get. In most instances, you will find the additional caveat 'as long as you do as I think you should' is attached.


I chose family because that is a scenario that most people can identify with. Parents do not stop being parents and many refuse to allow their children to live their own lives. Using the guise of love, family members actually become enslavers. They pull out the whip to beat one for opposing the family belief system. Well, the truth is that if you are a lover of freedom, you will seek your own life. Dogma is dogma regardless of the source.

Family are not the only ones who behave in this manner. We see it from friends, neighbors, and co-workers. The mindset of 'keeping up with the Jonses' is nothing more than an acting on the concern of what others think. Again, there is no reason to engage in this behavior.

The truth is that captivity comes in many forms. Allowing the opinions of others to dictate our lives is a self-imposed prison. Fortunately, like any detainment we volunteer for, we have the ability to parole ourselves at any time. Freedom can be grabbed at any moment. The key is to be willing to test our old patterns of behavior.

A Life You Want

Ultimately, it is up to you to decide what life you want. Personally, I am a believer that people have the freedom to choose whatever they want. The sad truth is that few people are willing to exercise this option in their lives. How many people out there are working in careers that were actually chosen by someone else? We see it all the time. Someone became a doctor (or whatever) because his/her parents expected it. At the same time, we see people dating/marrying someone who is 'from the right part of town'. This is another example of how our choices are manipulated by others.

I always suggest that someone sit down and decide exactly what he or she wants. Over the years, I realized that few people ever do this. Instead, they wake up one day and they are middle aged. In looking around, it is realized there are 2.2 kids, a career that is despised, and debt is so abundant you could wallpaper the house with the invoices. I venture to say this was not the plan for many 20 years previous. People end up wherever the current of life takes them without any idea what happened.

To be free, you need to take charge. One thing you can do is to stop considering what others will think. In the grand scheme that is your life, it is not important (the opinion of others). What is important is that you start exercising your freedom by taking control of what you want. It is your life to live as you see fit. There is nothing that says you are obligated to travel this journey in a manner that someone else dictates for you. However, failure to do this means that you will live the rest of your days accountable to those who you are trying to please. Sadly, when those people are dead and gone, you will still be left with the regret that is your life. Be mindful of this the next time you allow yourself to have your choices dictated by others.


Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Detesting The Rich

I had a discussion earlier this evening with a friend of mine. He and I differ in our political views so our banter can get somewhat heated. However, we both like to play (and make money) in the stock market so we cast our differences aside in an effort to share knowledge which will pay off in dollars. Tonight we came across the mindset of attacking the rich.

Many seem to feel that the way to better economic prosperity is to take from the rich. They believe that the way to economic growth is to 'level the playing field'. Without going into a long detailed discussion about the merits of this point of view, I will state that the best way to get along with this idea is to become one of the rich. Instead of detesting them, join their ranks.

Society teaches that we are stagnant in our place in life. Politicians like to talk in terms of class warfare. Terms such as rich, middle class, and poor are thrown out without any reference. The trouble is that nobody explains what this means. For example, we hear about the elimination of the middle class. Okay, if that is true, please define what middle class is. How much money does one need to make to enter it? At the same time, where is the line between this group and rich? Therefore, how can you detest what you cannot identify?

That being said, the concept that is applied is evident. People are stirred up because of jealousy. They feel it unfair and unjust that someone should have such excess. This is where politicians are able to pull the strings of others. Instead of getting riled up at the 'unfairness' of it all, set out to change your life. The truth is that the only life that should matter to you is yours.

For those who live in the United States, there are still huge opportunities to get ahead. The stock market (and other investment vehicles) are tremendous mediums for achieving this end. It is amazing to me how little most people know about this arena. Consider the fact that they will slave away for 40+ hours a week to earn $X per hour. Yet when it comes to the money set aside for investment, they put it in the hands of a financial adviser (read salesman).

Did you realize that earning 20% return is a fairly common occurrence? Of course, you will not hear this from the mainstream media. They will tell you that 96% of the money managers cannot beat the S&P. That is true. Does that mean you cannot? My experience is that anyone can. It is a big advantage to be able to enter and exit a stock (or option) in an instance. Money managers have millions of dollars in their positions. The time it takes to unravel them is weeks. This single fact offers a huge advantage to the small investor.

The point here is not to get into a financial discussion. My premise for writing this is that freedom entails focusing upon the financial aspect of life. Many will spend 40 hours a week to earn peanuts in terms of pay but wont spend 5 minutes learning about investing. Ironically, it is easier to exceed your income in the financial arena than most realize. Trust me when I tell you that making $30,000 a year in the stock market is nothing.

Of course, none of this will ever take place if you detest the rich. Your internal makeup comes through in all that you do. Remember this. It is highly unlikely that you will become what you despise. Therefore, get rid of the notion that the rich are deplorable slugs designed to be hated. If you want to get back at them, become one of them and walk in their circles. Then you can tell them personally what rotten sons-of-bitches you think they are. Short of that, you are falling victim to the whims of the political elite. The class warfare game has been played for centuries. Remove yourself from this battle.


Monday, February 21, 2011


What do you believe? This is an important question but one that few ever consider. Instead, they just accept what is given to them as if it is law. Sadly, society has a way of misleading people into doing things that make them unhappy.

Blind Faith

Many engage in blind faith. I feel dogma is dogma no matter who is issuing it. Many will swallow all the rules that others put forth without even a thought if it makes sense. The religions of the world have survived based upon this ideal for centuries. Of course, the governments of the world are no different. Blind adherence to any type of dogma is dangerous.

Those who cannot think for themselves are bound to live as slaves. We see people do destructive things all the time in the name of faith. Take the suicide bombers. Here is a group of people who are willing to blow themselves up for a cause which promises eternal happiness. Perhaps they do receive the eternal life they are seeking. However, is it worth end one's life here on a supposition? Obviously not.


The solution to this ailment is to question all that you believe. Why do you think the way that you do? Is it because you consciously chose a particular path or is it because someone taught you this was 'correct'? This process is crucial to breaking the stranglehold that others have upon you.

Beliefs lie at the center of all we do. To not question our beliefs is to engage in a life that is not our own. Under these circumstances we are at the folly of others. As shown, society has a way of injecting into us what we should believe. Those who stray from the norm are ostracized in ways designed to bring them back in line. This conditioning starts as a child and lasts throughout our entire lives. The key is to stop it as soon as you are aware of what is occurring. Now is the time for you.

Freedom is something that everyone should value. Sadly, few do. Become one of the elite in terms of taking over your own life. Living according to the edicts of others is slavery. Most everyone we encounter is a slave. This is the opportunity for you. Being different is a way to break free from the norm. All cultures love those who excel. Following the traditional dogma will result in mediocrity. Jump start your life by questioning all that is going on.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

They Are Fighting 'Round The World

Have you noticed what is going on in foreign lands the last few weeks? If you have not, you missed an opportunity to see people fighting for the very thing that most of us take for granted. Freedom is a precious commodity that too many throw away without nary a thought. Look at the lengths others are willing to go when faced with oppression. This ought to tell us something.

Egypt kicked off the festivities with the populous rebelling against an oppressive dictator. This event caused a chain reaction throughout the area with other individuals standing up to their oppressive regimes. Ultimately, even though many will lose their lives, the overall effect is that people are screaming for freedom.

Now we see a similar situation arising in China. While I would surmise the efforts of these individuals will be defeated, their quest is noble. Freedom is something that is inherent within each of us. The Chinese people are no different than Americans in this regard: they want the opportunity to live life as they see fit. Sadly, this option is not readily available in a communist country.

Give It Away

The interesting aspect of all of this is that these individuals are rebelling against having their freedoms taken. I believe it is human nature to fight when oppressed to this degree. However, the situation is entirely different when we opt to give away the freedom. In this instance we see people slowly bled to death by their own choices.

Our Founding Fathers committed treason against the Mother Country. They got together and staged a revolution which made them criminals in the King's eyes. Of course, because of the victory, these same men became the heroes that we honor.

Now, this brings me to the question of the day: do you think George Washington and the other revolutionaries suffered through a winter at Valley Forge so that you could waste away as an ingrate? Do you think they risked their lives so that later generations could whine about how they are 'entitled'? I do not believe this is what was in the minds of those early heroes.

Nevertheless, today we see people throw away their freedoms without a whimper. Take away their flatscreen television and you will hear a howl. Instill an act that tramples on the individual rights of the citizens and not a word is uttered. This is how our culture operates.

It Can Happen Here

The ironic thing is that what is occurring in these foreign lands can happen in this country. I remember watching the news last year when there were uprising in the streets by the unions in Greece because budgetary shortfalls necessitated cutting expenses. This caused upheaval amongst the union workers who were guaranteed lavish paychecks and benefits. Suddenly, their wings were being clipped and they didn't like it.

Of course, over the last week we saw the same thing happen in Wisconsin. The unions are in an uproar because the Governor is trying to close a budget shortfall of epic proportions. People are protesting on the streets in an effort to save what they deem is theirs. This is entitlement mentality at its finest.

If we give our freedom away we will end up as oppressed people. Actually, I believe that nationally we are at the point. Our individual choices are so bad that we literally have enslaved ourselves. Creditors own everyone and everything. The United States Government is broke. We borrow money from China to pay a large portion of our annual budget. Our country is owned by those in the Far East.

At the same time, the average household has tens of thousands of dollars in credit card debt. People buying crap they cannot afford without thinking about the consequences. Of course, we need to remember they are 'entitled' to have it. Where the money comes from to pay for it is of no importance. 'Charge it' is the American motto.

The slaves are all around us. If you cannot see that then I will guess you are one of them. Many like to point to the unfairness of it all. Horsecrap. People are treated exactly how they teach people to treat them. The simple fact is that the average person is too weak to fight for freedom. Instead, he or she is more concerned with what the neighbors think, thus buying (or leasing) an expensive automobile they cannot afford. Or they decide they need a vacation and book an expensive trip to 'spoil themselves'. Ultimately, debt is the chain that brings people to their knees.

How long until people are feeling the oppression that is being put upon them? I will say that Americans are a resilient lot. They can take a lot of pain. Nevertheless, the housing crisis is starting to put things at critical mass. People are now feeling the pinch. Naturally, they are turning to the government to bail them out. Good luck on that one. Remember, this is the entity that decided the solution to 'too big to fail' was to make the banks bigger. Ultimately, the enslaved will learn the perils of their choices. Then we will see how everyone reacts.

They are fighting 'round the world. It is only a matter of time until they end up here.

Sunday, February 13, 2011


One of the biggest jailers there is in life is the concept of haphazard activity. Fear, laziness, and lack of energy all create a situation where we periodically back off from the activities which should be taken. This blog is an example. I go through stages where I write a great deal then back off. The problem is that I allow how I 'feel' to dictate my actions. It is a sign of weakness when I allow this to happen. At these moments, I am imprisoned because my life is dictated by something other than myself.

Building Blocks

No matter what area of life one is focusing upon, the simple truth is there are building blocks which lead to success. I like to use the building of a house as a visual which describes the concept. A house is started with nothing more than a vacant lot. Throughout the process, certain actions are taken which ultimately lead to completion. The underground wiring is put into place, the foundation laid, and the framing is done. Over time, a house starts to take shape.

Now, let me ask you, how often do the contractors work on the house? If the weather cooperates, you find that, in most instances, these people arrive every day. Daily activity is taken which furthers the progress of the building of the house. It is not a situation where the workers take action 'only when they feel like it'. Consistent action is the key which leads to the creation of a house.

Another example is in the area of exercise. Do you think that one attains better results by working out on a regular basis or if he/she does a marathon session once in a while? The answer is obvious. Those who are in terrific physical shape take action on a regular basis. They are consistent with their workout routine. The blocks to success are laid and built upon daily.


Discipline is something that most people despise. Other than the occasional military brat, this is a word that has a negative connotation in our culture. This means that few are able to exercise consistent behavior in reaching any goal. We are a society of 'starters' but few have what it takes to complete the tasks. Discipline is the key.

The truth is there are times when we do not want to do what is required. Even the top Olympic athletes have days where they do not want to workout. The difference between a person at this level and the average individual is that the champion will take the action. He or she is disciplined enough to work on the chosen craft. The average person succumbs to the temptation to put it off.

Discipline is acquired only by taking consistent action. Like they say, do something for 21 consecutive days and it becomes a new habit. Those who excel have better habits then other people. Instead of habitually watching television after work, develop the habit of walking. Reading is a way to enrich the mind. Do this on a daily basis. Whatever the focus, being consistent with it is paramount.

A New Outlook

Few mention consistency as a desired characteristic. However, when you consider the power it wields, this is one of the most important things in life. Begin today to view being consistent as the most important thing you do in your life. Eliminate the tendency to fall into the pattern of having ups and downs. This is where we become slaves to our emotions. Those who succeed take action in spite of what is happening around them. This is the person you need to become.

Freedom is something that we need to fight for. It is difficult to remain consistent with all that goes on in life. However, the person that can do that is able to attain anything. Go back to the example of the house. By taking consistent action, the building is completed. This is an analogy to keep in your mind. All aspects of life can be associated this way. Look at the value of consistency in changing or altering anything about yourself. Since everything ultimately comes back to the action you take, it is beneficial to act in a consistent matter. Try this for just a few weeks and see how different your life is. I believe you will have a new foundation to build upon.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Societal Slavery

Have you ever considered all the different ways that society enslaves people? If you spend some time thinking about the average person's week (or you own), you will see exactly how people are controlled by others. Freedom is something that most people give away without nary a thought. To them, the decision about what is in front of them is much more important that the long-term affects. Sadly, this is what leads to lifelong imprisonment.

Out of School and Free

For most of us, the time where we have the most freedom is immediately after getting out of school. We spent fours years getting a diploma and suddenly we are done. Now we have 365 degrees of possibilities ahead of us. We can go in any direction. Few have anything tying them down geographically. They can live anywhere they desire. Family is not part of the equation for most people at this point, thus, free from the burden of spouses or children. Of course, this does not last.

People would be much better off if they were conditioned to maintain this state. The truth is that we are taught to go in the opposite direction. Debt is something that is commonplace within our culture. Why pay for it when you can charge it? That is the mindset of the last two generations. The entire economic collapse was a result of massive overspending at all levels. Yet few seem to learn the lessons being offered. Fortunately, for those of us who do, it is an opportunity that hasn't existed in 60 years. We are witnessing a culture change whether people realize it or not.


You boss is one of the most powerful jailers in your life. When you consider what you do for a few measly dollars each week, it is truly criminal. Of course, each one of us does it willingly and without hesitation. There is not a single person who signs a 'slavery clause' in any employment contract. Instead, we make choices the necessitate showing up each day to earn that paycheck.

Why do I start with the job as the jailer? The answer is because most people hate their job. Monday is the national day of mourning each week. Few wake up on that day excited they are going to work. Studies show that it is the day that is most people call in sick.

And why is the job able to exert this much influence over the average person? Again, we see the answer in the behaviors of people. The truth is that people's spending drives them to live for their creditors. People do not profit from their work lives but, rather, the companies these people do business with are the beneficiaries.

Keeping Up With Others

I guess we can consider it human nature to want what others have. We see this in children. They often mention the desire to have something because 'Jimmy's mom bought him one'. Of course, we know the absurdity of this conduct in children.

Or do we? It is ironic to see this same behavior in adults. The truth is that most are immature when it comes to this outlook. A large percentage of our population believes that what other think is important. This causes them to take many actions which are destructive to them. It is a battle that is waged endlessly without a winner. Actually, cancel that. The winner is every company that promotes their product in this matter.

We see people assume large monthly car payments so they can drive an expensive foreign automobile. These same people were also caught in McMansions taking on mortgages they could not afford. Designer labels are purchased no because of the value in terms of quality provide as much as the name recognition. Therefore, we create an endless loop of having to work to substantiate our spending.


Ultimately, it all comes down to what we believe. However, this is another area where many get themselves in trouble. Few have ever considered what they believe and why. Instead, the blindly accepted the dogma that society delivers. Whatever those in power are selling, we are buying.

The idea that the opinions of others means something is a belief that most are attune to. They never get past the notion that it is up to us to judge our own lives. The thoughts other others, especially those we do not know, are meaningless. Adopting this outlook is a powerful step on the road to freedom. Remember, this entire concept starts in the mind.

Analyzing what we think and we is one of the methods of breaking free from societies chains. It is of paramount importance to consider that most of what we were taught was done with the intention of enslaving us. Sure, the people who offered these lessons were well-meaning people. However, we must hold in our minds that they were most likely slaves also.

Society teaches obedience. Those in power truly do not want people to express their individual choice. This applies at ever level of the spectrum. The 'rule makers' do all they can to get people to follow blindly along. Insane amounts of money are spent on items that offer little to no value yet the masses are caught up in the hysteria (the Cabbage Patch craze comes to mind). Each decision that is made, if not moving towards the path of freedom is enslaving one deeper. And this is exactly what society wants.

If you want to live freely, you are going to have to go counter to what the norm is. Start your journey today.

Friday, February 4, 2011

It All Ends Up In The Sewer

This is a simple idea so I will be brief today. Have you ever considered the difference between spending $10 on dinner and $20? The truth is that both dishes end up in the same the sewer. Therefore, what is the real difference?

Sure there are some places that will give you a terrific meal. However, what is one really paying for when dining out. The meal is often not much different from place to place. What varies is the ambiance, service, and reputation of a particular place. All of these are factored into the price. Ultimately, people pay for the experience which might not be worth it.

I find that eating out is something that is a treat. Nevertheless, my goal is to do this as inexpensively as possible. The reason is simple: within a day or so all the food is gone. It is out of my system and no longer a benefit to me. While I will acknowledge there are times to pay more, the type of places I am frequenting will not amount to much in terms of quality. It basically is the same. Thus, if I can get away for as inexpensive as possible, I will do that.

Does this seem miserly to you? Perhaps it is. Yet, frugal is the path to success. Those who spend $18 a plate on dinner are really no further along than the person who spends $8. The only difference, after 48 hours, is the $10 missing from one's debit account. Everything else was in the sewer.

Remember this little tidbit the next time you are going out to eat. It is the experience that is important. However, instead of spending extra on the ambiance, make the person (people) you are with the focus of the experience. It is much more beneficial and will help your charge card.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Life Makeover

There is a popular show on television (or was since I don't have television anymore) called Home Makeover. The premise of the show was that a crew of people went into a home and redid an entire house in a matter of days. It was interesting to see how something went from entirely rundown to a masterpiece in less than a week. Of course, it helped that experts and a large sum of money were available. Nevertheless, the outcome was that the entire situation was changed quickly.

Life Makeover

The truth is that most people could use a 'life makeover'. When you look at how most people are living, it is tragic. We live in a world (at least in the Western culture) where opportunities and freedoms should be prevalent. Yet, it seems that most suffer under the plight of slavery. No matter how much money they earn, they are still indebted to someone else. Basic decisions seem to be made by others in an effort to keep up. Many work, as an example, just to pay the bills. Their entire careers are spent to do nothing more than 'make ends meet'. Life doesn't have to be this way.

Another simply fact is that people are horrifically overweight. Why do I mention this point? My reasoning is because this is something that almost everyone can do something about in light of what the consequences are. The medical community does not keep it a secret of what awaits someone who carries an extra 50 or 100 pounds around. Diabetes, heart disease, and death are all part of the equation.

Health and finances are two areas that we all should focus our attention upon. These are the aspects where one can instantly begin a 'life makeover'. Of course to do this, one needs to alter his or her thinking. Fortunately, this is something that can also be done in an instant. Just like with the television program, you life can be radically different in under a week.

Mental Makeover

I write a great deal about the importance of mindset in all we do. Out of our thoughts spring all action. Action is the bridge between the invisible world (our mind) and the physical world. Everything you see around you started as a thought. Most, however, use their thoughts negatively as opposed for positive gain. For example, they think about that ice cream sundae with extra whipped cream and syrup. As a thought, this hold no destructive power. Sadly, most succumb to it and end up ingesting the sundae.

A minimalist mindset is a terrific way for everyone to begin this makeover. I find that few are in a situation where they have 'too little stuff'. Instead, most are at the other end: they simply have too much crap. Going through and eliminating all the excess from their life is an effective beginning. Many need a course in the difference between wants and needs but those who are honest realize that they don't need most of what they think they do. You can survive without cable television (and that $70 a month bill). I am living proof of that.

Looking at the world differently is what is required. Most believe what they were taught. And what was that? Topics such as material wealth is what determines a person's value were drilled into us. We are concerned about the opinions of others because that is what we were taught. Dogma is swallowed without questioning because to do so would be heresy. The truth is your life is too precious to waste by being under the rule of others. Blind faith is what causes people to blow themselves up for an idea. We saw this in WWII with the Japanese fighter pilots and we see it today with suicide bombers. While most will acknowledge the flaw in this thinking, few really ever question their own.

Understanding that it is our thinking that creates our successes and failures is the fundamental premise behind this change. In short, it requires us to admit that we look at things improperly. Society will allow us to cut ourselves slack and achieve less than is possible. The reasoning is the world loves mediocrity. Everything is done in a way to tear you down. Success is for the strong; the weak succumb to the intentions of others.

Become the Minority

The minority in our culture is not based upon race, creed, ethnicity, or religion. Instead, the minority are those who are willing to go against the mainstream thought and reach out for the ideal that is offered. In my viewpoint, the one thing I think people need to focus upon is freedom. There is no honor in being enslaved against your will. Ignorance is another thing that should not be held in virtue. The fact that most are completely asleep in their lives is no excuse. I am here to start the revolution that wakes people up. Do I think that most will? Absolutely not. However, I am seeking out the few who have the mental strength to break free from the chains of bondage placed upon them by society. I want to find the minority.

Few people are willing to engage in this level of internal search. That is why most blindly follow the path laid out for them by others. It is easier to remain part of the masses as opposed to stepping out on their own. Strength is not the average person's strong point. That is why they are called sheep (flock is another word). Living contrary to what is commonly accepted is not on the agenda.

The world is in need of people who are opposite this ilk. A life makeover entails understanding that you can make a difference and that big things are possible. Everyone seeks harmony while succumbing to the desires of the powerful. They look to organizations or institutions which enslave them. Obedience is the calling of the day. My idea is different. I believe what is needed is people who are willing to alter their lives individually. The status quo no longer works. Life is full of plenty of bloodsuckers. It is time to cast them off. Individual power, when coupled with others, has the ability to ascend all ladders of society. It is now time to focus upon our own life and let others fend for themselves. Time is too valuable to waste upon the ingrates we encounter on a daily basis.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

The Ego

Why would a blog about freedom deal with the subject of 'ego'? Does this mean that we have now entered the realm of psychology? Absolutely!

The reason why I am going to touch upon this subject is because it is our ego that causes us so much destruction and turmoil in our lives. I found that freedom is given away piece-by-piece simply because many listen to the ego. If they were able to control this animal, their lives would be enriched to a much greater degree.


Everybody needs to decide for themselves what it means to be wealthy. For many, it means having all the nice cars, houses, and art collections. This is something that is wonderful to attain if one is able to keep it in the proper perspective. Sadly, most do not. Instead, they allow these items to own them. The possessions become the most important thing. This is the ego at work but few realize it.

To me, wealth equates to freedom. That is how I imagine it in my mind. Therefore, one who is not free is not considered wealthy by me. Sure that person might have a lot of money or things but the truth is that most are working their pants off to maintain it. People of this ilk are often over stressed, leveraged, and walking the fine line of economic collapse. They spend long hours trying to maintain their standards only to realize at the end they cannot take it with them. Few spend time in their dying days wishing they spent more time at the office working. Regret is commonplace among these people.

Wayne Dyer writes in many of his books about detachment. Now, I am not going to get metaphysical with you because personally I find it a waste of time. My preference is for the basics of the here and now. Regardless of that outlook, My. Dyer brings up some valid points. The essence of life is not wrapped up in things, achievement, or 'stuff'. Certainly those things are all nice. However, it is when one allows the ego takes over that those ends start taking control. And, the danger lies in the fact that enough is never enough for the ego. More is the mantra of this motivator. No matter what is achieved, the ego needs to be fed a larger quantity. Happiness can never result. This leads to an unsatisfied life.

That is why I believe a wealthy person is one who attained freedom in his or her life. This is a concept that holds true without regard to the amount of money attained. It is vital to point out that this is not proclaiming that poverty is the means to this end either. Hear me clearly when I state there is nothing wrong with material things or assets as long as they are held in their proper perspective. And, the only way to do this is to remove the ego from the situation as much as possible.

Self Esteem

A healthy self esteem is one of the major components of living a free life. When you consider the things the ego makes us do, you quickly realize that is the path to slavery. Consider all the creditors the average person is responsible for paying. How many of those purchases are made by the ego? Do you think a person with a healthy self worth needs a 'McMansion' that he or she cannot afford? Does a person of this nature buy an expensive foreign sports car amassing a large monthly payment for the next 60 months? The answer is NO. Someone who is healthy in this manner makes smart decisions based upon economic reality.

Personally, I could care what my neighbors think. My life is not lived according to their viewpoints. Recently, I realized that many of the people in my neighborhood purchased new vehicles. Now, I am a realist which leads me to believe these people did not pay cash for these automobiles. Instead, the finance these purchases. This is exchanging their time for a new asset. Sadly, it is one that will not appreciate. New vehicles depreciate the minute they are driven off the lot (that means goes down in value). Therefore, these people have years of payments for something that is going down in worth every month. Their car will be used long before the payments are completed.

This brings up the question, did these people need to purchase these cars? In my estimation they did not. From what I could see, they had vehicles that worked. In fact, some of the ones they got rid of are newer than the cars I have. Thus I surmise that ego was a factor in these purchasing decisions. Since I am not concerned with what others think, I am quite content to drive around in my automobiles that total 23 years of age between the two.

Please bear in mind the ego will use every tactic to take control. If you asked my neighbors if ego was the factor in making the decisions, they would deny it. They would state a host of other reasons for purchase like the reliability of a new vehicle (warranty), the deal they got, or the fact that their older car needed work. Whatever the reasoning, it never can justify the freedom sacrificed. Simply put, if it weren't for the ego, these purchases most likely would have not been made. But, few ever think of freedom until it is too late.

Therefore, I believe it most important for us to realize that our ego is a powerful mechanism that will only create misery and pain. The solution to this outcome is to continually work on our self esteem. The truth is that what you drive is not a reflection on you in any manner. Madison Avenue would like to make you believe that it is but that is incorrect. The qualities that reside within you are not contingent upon what you wear, the brand of show you wear, or any other material object. If you are a worthy person, it is because of the qualities you exhibit in your daily life. There are a lot of jackasses living in wealthy neighborhoods. At the same time, some of the best people are routinely overlooked because they don't exhibit the material wealth. Instead, they are people who are comfortable with themselves. They understand that things do not make them better people.

Understand this concept and begin to make purchasing decisions accordingly.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Thinking Differently

There is a saying 'if you want to get the results others get, do what they do". While this is true, there is a point that this outlook misses. The truth is that the only reason we do what others do is because we think the way they do. Therefore, if you want what others have, model your thinking after theirs.

Of course, this brings me to the point that I feel encompasses most of society: few pay attention to what they think about. Instead, they default to a particular mindset that was created by the environment they grew up in. This is where the term 'group think' comes from. People of the same ilk tend to think the same.

When it comes to freedom, my belief is that we need to think differently than the average person. The reason why I say this is because most people are woefully unhappy with their present state of affairs. They live existences that are mired in average. Exceptional, intoxicating, or motivating are not terms applied to how they live. Instead, because of the decisions that are made on a daily basis, people end up being slaves. They allow society to take over without a fight. The indoctrination process ensures that submission is almost completed by the time one reaches adulthood.

If you are going to continue to think in the same manner as everyone else, then you are assured of following in this same pattern. Strategic rebellion is always a good thing. Of course, the word strategic guarantees that we are not rebelling just to rebel. That is a childish approach. This method means that someone actively looks at what society promotes and consciously decides what applies. In each instance, one needs to ask, is this belief helping or hindering my life? The answer dictates whether that belief remains or is removed.

I write often about the importance of thinking. There is nothing more crucial than taking control of your mindset. It is the one factor, if selected, that you can control in all instances. Considering freedom in everything you do is a route that few take. Most never consider the impact of present decisions on future freedom. For example, when one buys a car, he or she usually looks at the monthly payment as to whether it is affordable. Rarely does one take the time to really consider how this decision will affect future freedom. A monthly expense compounded over a number of years equates to a big loss. The opportunity cost of the car is high when compared to investing that money at an average return.

Understanding the mistaken thinking that the average person presents on a daily basis is vital in our pursuit of total freedom. Over the next few posts I am going to spell out some how this appears. Beginning the process in our mind will ensure success. Remember, it isn't the actions of others that we are concerned with but, rather, the thinking behind it.

Saturday, January 15, 2011


This is a concept that makes so much sense but is rarely applied in most people's lives. Looking around at the way the average person approaches his or her life, it is easy to realize that most operate on only a few percent. What do I mean by this? Basically, those who live exceptional lives approach everything with 1000% effort. They give all they have to the task they are confronted with.

Getting Results

One of the major factors in determining the results we get is the energy which we approach a particular task. Those who are able to summon the motivation to give all effort attain a greater degree of success than those who do not. This is an idea that has been around for ages. Those who give it their all achieve more. It is that simple.

Of course, I am preaching to the choir since everyone experiences this in life to one degree or another. Have you ever noticed how effortless it is to be totally committed to a task when it is something that you love? There are times when we have 1000% effort and are completely focused upon what we are doing. During those intervals, we experience a greater degree of success and happiness. Some people call it being in the zone.

However, success in life is not determined by how well we do those things that we love. The truth is that the level of achievement we attain is a direct result of how well we do those things that we dislike. Life mandates that we engage in certain activities which are not pleasurable in our eyes. Paying bills is something that comes to mind. Nevertheless, this is something that all of us have to do. Approaching this task in a lethargic manner will result in us making mistakes. It also indicates how we engage in the other tasks in life that we detest. Operating at 1000% means that we approach everything with the greatest amount of energy and enthusiasm we can muster.

Getting results sometimes means getting past the 'chores' in our lives as quickly as we can. It also means that we do them to the best of our ability. Certainly many of these tasks are not life and death. But as I said, they are an indicator of our overall outlook.

Go As Far As Possible

Most people settle in life. They adopt the outlook of a slave because society establishes it. People follow the edicts of our culture by believing in what is promoted. We enslave ourselves financially with our purchasing decisions. Career paths are followed even though they are detested for fear of changing. People spend their lives married to a man or woman they dislike simply because dogma says to split is a sin. The bottom line is that living exceptionally is not in the plans for most people. Instead, they opt to sacrifice their freedom in every manner.

A 1000% mindset means that all is going to be attained. We live in a world where you have 360 degrees of possibilities. You can do whatever you want. When you adopt the principles that I write about here and seek to implement them with all the effort you can muster, you will see far different outcomes. The world literally can become your oyster.

I often write about the importance of having the minimalist mindset. Here is an example of how you can do something at 1000%. Approach the stuff in your life with the outlook that you are going to declutter to the max. Get rid of all the excess you can with the knowledge that this is one major step to your living a free life. Seek to control your spending by only purchasing that which is truly needed. Seek the least expensive approach to those things that you do require while saving the excess. Start studying, learning, and implementing ideas for investing to enable your money to grow. Find those things in your life that are enslaving you and eliminate them immediately. A change in outlook is often all that is required.


The idea is to quantify your level of effort and motivation. While doing this in every situation is a bit neurotic, the point is to start to focusing on increasing your level as you approach things. Of course, statistically speaking we knowing that 100% effort is the maximum. Thus, 1000% is unrealistic. I use this number to emphasize going all out in everything.

Which brings up the next hindrance: we know that 100% effort in all we do is not feasible. There simply are times when we are tired, frustrated, or bored. It is these moments that a system to quantify our efforts is helpful. If, for example, we are approaching something that will we give 10% effort to, is it possible to go to 20%? Notice how we didn't move to 100% but, rather, simply tried to double our efforts. Certainly giving 1/5 of our abilities is not something that is too out of line. This is something that most of us can handle in every situation, wouldn't you agree?

Since we believe this is possible, recognize the happened. We just doubled the amount of effort and motivation we normally had. How do you think this will affect our results? I tend to believe, that over the long haul, we will attain a better outcome because of this. That is how powerful a quantifying system can be.

Therefore, whatever you are doing from now on, simply ask yourself what level am I at presently. Determine a number and seek to improve on it. If you find you are at 30%, seek out ways to make it 40% or 50%. Any increase will result in a more positive outcome for that particular task. However, the big payoff comes when you develop the habit of continually raising your life to another level. This is where you start move from the average life to the exceptional.

Begin using this tactic today.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Law of Diminishing Returns

This is a concept that is crucial to understand if you are to enjoy freedom in your life. As I wrote on a number of occasions, managing your financial resources is a vital part of this quest. The majority of society throws away their freedom one decision-at-a-time. Their slavery is insured by each transaction. Most fail to understand the concept that it isn't what you earn but, rather, what you spend that matters.

Impulse Buying

The first thing that absolutely destroys people is the urge for instant gratification. This often comes in the form of impulse buying. A person sees an item and he or she just 'has to have it'. It is as if life will cease to exist if one fails to make this purchase. My experience dictates that nothing is of this epic proportion. The truth is that your life will continue if you do not make a particular purchase.

Impulse buying is what provides the marketers with all their power. People do not realize how they are enslaved simply by their actions in a store. Have you ever noticed how great consideration is given to how things are displayed? This starts with the design of the packaging to how things are placed in a store. All efforts are taken with the intention of creating an urge within you that needs satisfying.

This is what leads to the impulse buy on your part. Items that fall into this category of purchase are not planned. One only makes a decision to purchase after receiving the stimulus in the store. Sales are one of the most popular methods utilized. One understands that he or she doesn't need the item yet the idea of passing up the opportunity to save 75% is just too much. This is the classic example where the unenlightened person thinks 75% was saved when the truth is that 25% was spent.

Diminishing Returns

The next part of this idea is that concept of diminishing returns. What this basically means is that you will not want the particular item as much as you want it when you are in the store. Over time, the return it provides in terms of your desire lessens. Most of us have experienced this in one form or another. Think back to a time where there was something that you 'just had to have'. What happened when you got home. In many instances it was put into a closet only to be left there for months (or years). Your excitement for the item waned.

Getting back to our example, this is how one can spend 25% instead of saving 75%. If an item is not needed, and is ultimately not utilized, then money was wasted. Nothing is for free. Even though the item was on sale, the cost advantage did not outweigh the rapid decline in returns. The diminishing return factor hit immediately upon arriving home. Every day people model this same behavior. Avoiding the diminishing returns by resisting impulse purchases is one step to financial freedom.


The other aspect where diminishing returns enters into the picture is with the idea of familiarity. Applying this idea to purchases will enable one to save substantial sums of money. Again, most people fall into the trap of paying extra for something that will soon be familiar.

To explain this concept, I only need to point to how people take things for granted. When something is new, we appreciate it (in some instances). However, the longer we have the item, i.e. the more familiar we are with it, the less we value it. We simply take it for granted. I suppose this is human nature which means we are all apt to fall into this. Therefore, it is crucial we know how this affects our purchasing decisions.

I will offer an example that we discussed recently while do our evening walk. We live near the beach but not on the beach. It is about a 10 minute drive for us. Of course, being beach lovers and people who enjoy the scenic view of the ocean, the mention of purchasing something right on the beach occurred more than once. However, it is quickly dispelled by this concept.

There are many people who buy on the ocean simply for the view. They like looking out and seeing the water. The same is true for people who are up in the mountains. People of this ilk like the panoramic picture presented each time they look out the window. However, most of them fall prey to the law of diminishing returns.

Here is why:

When something is new and unfamiliar, we are apt to pay the most attention. Thus, one will enjoy the view the most when he or she first moves into the house. As time goes by, the view becomes less noticeable. It is still there while presenting the same grandeur. However, the person's outlook changed. The scenery became so familiar that one hardly notices. Of course, this changes when relatives come by and mention the wonderful view. Then the home owner might give it a passing look.

The reason why returns are involved is because the is a financial price involved. When the house was purchased, monies were exchanged. And, when one opts for a beachfront property, he or she is paying a premium for the view. This is alright as long as it is appreciated. However, as was shown, once the view isn't enjoyed to the same degree, the person is left with the same inflated mortgage payment. Hence more money is paid for less in return.

To put numbers to this, I came up with a price of $250,000 for a beachfront condo versus $125,000 for a house in another area. While the numbers might not be accurate the concept is. Let us suppose these units had a mortgage payment of $2,500 and $1,250 respectively. Under this scenario, the owner is paying $1,250 for the view (I realize other factors might be involved in a purchasing decision but you will understand the point). This means our owner is spending $15,000 a year to experience the law of diminishing returns.

That is a healthy sum no matter how wealthy you are.

The Solution

How do we avoid this situation? The simply answer is to not purchase. Go with the lower priced alternative for one simple reason. Ownership always breeds familiarity. It is the nature of having something for a long time. When you see it day after day, it becomes the norm. Owning equates to the law of diminishing returns.

That being said, do you know what does not offer this? Renting. When one rents something, it doesnt have the chance to become familiar thus is apt to be appreciated to a greater degree. In our culture, this method is overlooked except in areas that do not seem to make financial sense (leasing cars is an example).

Getting back to our example about the beach condo, one could establish greater freedom by renting as opposed to buying. Now, please do not mistake that to mean long term renting since the same thing results as purchasing. What I mean is to rent a place on the beach for a short period of time to ensure the enjoyment remains high.

In our example, I could save $1,250 a month by opting for the lower priced property. With this money, I could save for a really nice vacation on the beach. In my area, I found a place I could rent for $1,200 a week. Thus, my week on the beach is paid for after only one mortgage payment. Financially I am freer since my mortgage is lower and I will appreciate the view because I only have it for a short period of time. A week is not enough time for the law of diminishing returns to kick in.

One final thought: I can do this every year if I desire while saving myself almost $14,000. The fact that I am able to control my emotions when making a purchase allows me to experience greater freedom in my daily life. As you can see, suddenly I can afford something that is typically reserved for well to do.

Remember this idea the next time you are faced with a purchasing decision.