Thursday, May 5, 2011

We Are Part of the Animal Kingdom

Mankind likes to think of itself so smart. Stemming from this reasoning, he believes that he is somehow exempt from the natural laws of the world. Being part of the Animal Kingdom means that there are certain principles which equally apply to man. Largest among these is the idea of 'survival of the fittest'. Those who believe in something different are engaging in fantasy thinking.

Take Care of Your Own

The American economic system created a situation whereby slavery is commonplace. Even though legally outlawed 150 years ago, the truth is the international bankers and power brokers brought it back in a big way. However, instead of affecting the black culture, this has penetrated every race other than those 'chosen' to be elite. These people are the controlling forces of the world's financial trade. Unless the average person wakes up, the masses are doomed. Get ready for the biggest collapse ever witnessed.

It is no secret we were living in a bubble. My estimation is that the American economy was overextended by at least 25%. The average household has thousands of dollars worth of credit card debt. That means that the GDP was erred on the high side because of all that money. The same is true for housing. Inflation propped up the prices to the point where they burst like a carnival balloon. Again, we have numbers factored in which didn't belong in the national GDP.

Now we are faced with the hard times. Many say the economy is recovering....I say horsecrap. Like the old adage goes, 'you ain't seen nothing yet'. We are going to encounter economic chaos in the next few years. Many of the doomsdayers are being proven correct. It is high time that the average man starts to take care of his own. We will meet a point where all the charity and welfare is going to dry up. Those who believe in the eternal gravy train will be burdened even more than the rest of us. Economic collapse is a tremendous opportunity for those who are prepared.

Study What The Laws Are Telling You

Does the lion ever stop and help the injured fawn? Do you see the turtles helping a suffering fish? Of course not. Nature instilled within every species the internal need to survive. This is both on an individual and species basis. Taking care of one's own is mandated by nature. Mankind forgot this little tidbit.

We send billions of dollars to suffering countries to support people of different races and faiths that go counter to our ideals. America has become of the saps of the world assisting ever bleeding heart. On an individual level, we give more money to charity than any other nation on the planet. Yet, we also have the largest amount of freeloaders. This should come as no surprise since nature tells us what happens when we do this.

The fact is that some need to be cleansed. This is true from an individual standpoint and an economic one. Some businesses need to fail so others can thrive. There are only a certain amount of resources and when those resources are directed towards failing enterprises, they cannot be given to people who will create success. The strong must allow the weak to fail so that the strong can become stronger. The weak are a drain on valuable resources.

Of course, some will say this is a class warfare argument. No it isn't. Just because someone is presently on the lower level in terms of income, that does not make them weak. By the same token, riches do not necessarily equate to strength. Many times we do not know our own internal ability until we are faced with catastrophic situations. This is where strength is realized. Those who are left to sink or swim on their own often find the ability to remain above the surface. No assistance is needed. However, our mindset is help everyone who is in trouble.

That being said, we do have a responsibility to those closest to us. Unless we are will to care for those who are dependent upon us, we will suffer the fate of all weak people...extinction. Notice how in nature, a mother tends to her cubs. This is her responsibility. She protects, nurtures, and teaches her own. Of course, she does not offer this service to ever creature who comes along. It is only her family that receives this benefit.

Until we start accepting that we are animals and acting in accordance, we will be swallowed up but those who live according to these principles. If you doubt this, consider what concepts the international bankers are living by and see how they are faring. Trust me when I tell you the ideals differ greatly. They are the lions and you are the sheep.


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