Saturday, May 7, 2011

Making Criminals Out Of Everyone

There is an old idea that tells us if a government writes enough laws, eventually even the most honest man will become a criminal. And, this is exactly what we are seeing in the United States and other nations around the world. We need only look at the U.S tax code to understand how this idea concept applies. With over 80,000 pages of law, one is bound to do something 'illegal' even if he or she has no intention of doing so. The same is true of our traffic laws. No matter how carefully one drives, he or she is going to break a law at some point driving home from work. It is impossible not to.

By Design

Do not think this is something that was not done by design. When it comes to this situation, it was no accident. The government is concerned with one thing: control over the people. We can believe in all the slogans and mantras we want. The truth is, when looking at the history of governments, that they exist only to gain and exercise power.

Now, if everyone is a criminal simply because of all the laws that are written, what does that mean? Simply, by issuing decisions in an arbitrary fashion, those in power can 'eliminate' anyone who opposes their ideas. Again, we have seen this implemented repeatedly over the years.

Law Abiding Citizen

There are many who are foolish enough to think the government is there to help them. While it might be that way in theory, those in power are doing anything but helping themselves. Congress is a prime example. Do Senators do what is best for the people they represent? No. If you look at their voting record, they do what is best for getting them re-elected.

Therefore, those who are law-abiding citizens are playing right into their hands. One could drive him or herself neurotic by dwelling upon every law there is. As mentioned, even the best intentioned person will ultimately break a plethora of laws. Obedience is what makes one weaker especially if it is blind obedience.

So, what is the answer? My recommendation is to be a conscious lawbreaker. Now, I am not advocating becoming a revolutionary unless that is something you have thought long and hard about (and are willing to suffer the consequences of that action). What I mean is to ignore some of the stupid laws that only make your life irrationally impossible to live. For example, we all know that we are suppose to cross the street in the area designed for crossing. Failure to do so results in a ticket for jaywalking. So one is confronted with walking down the street to the crosswalk or going ahead and saving the time while crossing where he or she sees fit. A conscious law breaker is going to save the time.

If we instill in us that the government grows and grows until it gets to a point that it erodes all of our freedoms, then we can begin to take steps to a different end. It ultimately wants to make a criminal out of all of us. Once it does that, then it can randomly exert its power as it sees fit. And, we are defenseless against any of it. Keep this in mind.



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