Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Battle For Survival

Have you noticed what is going on in the world? Those who study economics and the current environment realize that the United States is on an unsustainable path. Many economic minds agree with this sentiment. Consider this fact: we owe roughly $14 trillion while running a deficit of about $1.5 trillion. At this pace, since we are falling further behind, we will pay this debt off in.....never!!!!

Therefore, we are insolvent. For those who do not know what that word means there is something that is more with the mainstream terminology: BROKE. The United States has no money. We are borrowing almost half of our annual spending. This is a situation that cannot transpire forever.

We See Our Future

You want to see our future, just look at Europe. Or for something closer to home, check out the situation in California. Each of these examples exemplifies what happens when spending gets out of control. Bailouts are occurring all over the place. Simply, there is not enough money to sustain this outrageous spending.

Sadly, many people cannot see this. They proceed with the same outlook as they always have. Spending remains at a normal high with the United States still living as a consumer society. They are completely blind to what is going on. Unfortunately, many of these people are in our own government. Our leaders are completely oblivious (or dont care) about what is happening. They are still operating like they always did. Our future is not bright.

Why all the doom and gloom? Because the slave drivers are gaining more and more power. The international bankers are well known to be the manipulators of the world economies. Through the different central banks, the power brokers establish boom and bust cycles. They ride the bubble up, get out close to the peak, and hop back in after the wreckage is complete. Look at the present housing situation to see this in action. The banks made record profits during the run up, off-loaded much off their debt obligations, got government bailouts, and now are make huge profits again even with the economy still in a recession. In short, the masses are being screwed by the financial community.

Fighting For Your Life

I am writing now to tell you that it is time to fight for your life. Everything is riding on the next couple of years. It is time for each individual to take a different approach to their own financial affairs. To start, stop spending. Cut your expenses to make yourself leaner and meaner. Stop being a slave to instant gratification and resist getting things just because you want them. Focus on your needs while putting off your wants. Start to make the proper financial decisions that will help you in the coming years.

Financially most are indebted. That is how the jailers are amassing more control. If you want to see mastery in action, look at how the Jewish banking community has enslaved many of the worlds economies. They run the financial networks, therefore, have the resources to sustain people for a while. Of course, once the present bubble pops, all bets are off. Suddenly, our banker is at the door looking for repayment. Again, look at the housing situation to see this in action. Many people got in over their heads only to learn that the bank is now foreclosing on them. Their indebtedness has made them a slave.

If you think this is a situation to take lightly, look at the current situation in the United States. And, I am not referring to the garbage numbers that the governments puts out. The true unemployment rate is closer to 20% which means that 1 in 5 is out of work. At the same time, people have no savings whatsoever. The entire net worth of the average American was tied up in their homes. Now, that vanished into thin air with 1 in 4 mortgages underwater. In other words, people have a negative net worth.

One final thing to ponder. At one point, 40% of the U.S. economy was related to real estate. Guess what? That bird is not flying any time soon. Unemployment will remain high because there is no industry to replace those jobs that were lost. We better get accustomed to a higher unemployment rate because it is now a fact of life.

It is time to wake up. If you want to remain someone who is free, you best do something different than the average person. Life is going to get a lot tougher for most.


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